Zombie Attack! Background: 2 strains of a zombie virus have been discovered in the US. Each strain is described belo been Strain A Strain B Each minute, the original zombie "infects" 4 Each minute the...

Zombie Attack! Background: 2 strains of a zombie virus have been discovered in the US. Each strain is described belo been Strain A Strain B Each minute, the original zombie "infects" 4 Each minute the population o new people, but the new zombies cannot doubles. New zombies infect anyone. For example: At time- O (initial outbreak) there is 1 zombie (the original). At time 1 minute there are 5 time 1 minute there are 2 zombies. zombies. At time-2 minutes there are9 time 2 minute, there are 4 zombies, zombies, etc. on of zombies ARE able to infe people. For example: At time = 0 (initi outbreak) there is 1 zombie (the origin 1. Complete the table below for each strain. As you complete the table, consider each strain in changing from one minute to the next. On the bottom of each tab a rule" for that would apply for "n" minutes. Strain A Strain B Minutes | # Minutes | # Zombies Zombies 0 2 4 4 69 12p 6 2. Below, use the data from the tables to sketch the graphs of each strain of the zombie virus. Graph until it expands outside of the graph given. Based on your knowledge of functions from Unit 3 section 1(Chapter 8A from the book), label each type of function exhibited from the example. STRAIN A STRAIN B 20 90 18 6 14 12 10 70 6 60 50 30 20 10 1234567 8 9 10 1 23 4 5678 9 10 Minutes Minutes Type of function: Type of function: Watch the following videos for more information on the two types of functions/equations we are considering in this lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v-G87RVT8UxPO 3. The basic equation of a Linear Function/Equation is y mx+ b or f(x)-mx+ b What does the "m" stand for? What does the "b" stand for? Considering a table of values for a linear function, how does it change from one value to the next? 4 The basic equation for an exponential function/equation is y - a(b) or fx)- a(b) An employer told an employee they would give them 3 days vacation the first year of employment and doubles it each year. Linear or Exponential? Equation 9) 10) Now going back to our original zombie strains, what is the equation for strain A? 11) Equation for Strain 8? Consider the following new strains of zombie infection: Strain 1: Begin with 1 zombie, the zombie infects 10 people each minute. Only 12) the original zombie can infect people. Strain 2: Begin with 1 zombie. The population of zombies triples each minute. How many minutes would it take for the entire student body (1000 STUDENTS) to become infected with the virus for each strain? Approximate to the nearest minute. Strain 1: Strain 2: 13) what if a zombie from #12 entered a football stadium with a capacity of 67,000 people. How many minutes would it take for each strain to infect every person in the stadium? Approximate to the nearest minute. Strain 1: Strain 2: 14) what is the equation for Strain 1( in #12)? 15) what is the equation for Strain 2( in #12)?
May 19, 2022

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