Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory The Time Paradox
Link: http://www.thetimeparadox.com/zimbardo-time-perspective-inventory/
Directions- Complete all questions honestly... The 56-item Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZPTI) measures individual differences in time-orientation, or tendency to focus on different aspects of the past, present, and future. The measure consists of five subscales, with answers scored from 1, very uncharacteristic [of me], to 5, very characteristic [of me]. Your results will allow you to identify how you use your own time.
When you complete the inventory, in 2-3 pages, tell me what you have learned from your results and what you may change or not change about how you use your time... Below are 7 perspectives related to time..., which one are you?
1. Past positive perspective - people focus on the “good old days.” They may keep scrapbooks, collect photos, and look forward to celebrating traditional holidays.
2. Past negative perspective - people focus on all the things that went wrong in the past: “it doesn't matter what I do, my life will never change.”
3. Present-fatalistic time perspective refers to a fatalistic, helpless, and hopeless attitude toward the future and life, and researches have suggested it was negatively associated with life satisfaction.
4. Present hedonistic perspective - people live in the moment – seeking pleasure, novelty, and sensation, and avoiding pain. ...
5. Present fatalistic perspective - people feel that decisions are moot because predetermined fate plays the guiding role in life: “What will be, will be.”
6. Future time perspective is defined as the capacity to foresee, anticipate, and plan for future desired outcomes (Zimbardo and Boyd, 1999). Prior research has shown that future time perspective is beneficial to well-being, academic engagement, and adaptive behavior (Horstmanshof and Zimitat, 2007; Kooij et al., 2018) .
7.Transcendental future time perspective involves individuals' goals, expectations, and beliefs related to the time frame from physical death of the body to eternity.