you’re going to be creating C++ a Heap Sorter. It should be
able to take input (using CIN), place it into proper Max Heap form in an array, and once it’s
done accepting input, put the array in order using a Heap Sort. For the sake of simplicity, our
heap trees will be made of an array that’s only seven elements long. Make sure to define your
arrays ahead of time with garbage filler data before you start putting in your CIN data.
Remember to use the binary heap traversal trick shown in lecture when dealing with your
array-based tree.
Please sort the following lists of inputs:
1.) 12, 40, 2, 6, 88, 90, 5
2.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
3.) 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
4.) 42, 64, 355, 113, 101, 13, 35
5.) 12, -5, 24, -4, 48, -3, 96