Your task is to write python program that draws a board with alternating dark cells (black or some other color) and white cells. The number of cells to use in each row or column, width of each cell,...

Your task is to write python program that draws a board with alternating dark cells (black or some other color)
and white cells. The number of cells to use in each row or column, width of each cell, and color to use for dark
cells (either black, red, green, or blue) should be collected from the keyboard after showing appropriate input
prompt messages. Note the following requirements:
• The program can either start with a dark (colored) cell or white cell. In the figure below, the
board starts with dark cell.
• The program should draw an N by N board where N is the number of cells in a row (or a column).
Note that the shape of board and the cells are both square.
• The program should draw a border (black line) around the board as shown in the figure.
• The program must prompt for input from the keyboard and then validate the input as follows:
o Number of cells in each row or column must be positive number > 1
o Width of each cell must be a positive number > 9
o The color can be one of 4 colors only: black, red, green or blue.
• If any of the provided input is invalid then the program should show a warning message and use
the default value for that variable as follows: 8 for the number of cells, 25 for the cell width and
black for the color of the dark cells.

Jun 09, 2022

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