Your assignment is to implement the sparse adjacency list data structureGraphthat is defined in the header fileGraph.h. The dynamic arrays that store the neighbor lists are implemented in a second...

Your assignment is to implement the sparse adjacency list data structureGraphthat is defined in the header fileGraph.h. The dynamic arrays that store the neighbor lists are implemented in a second class,EntryList, which is defined inEntryList.h. Thus, to complete theGraphclass, you must first implement theEntryListclass.

Additionally, you must write a test program that fully exercises your implementations of both classes. The test program must be namedmytest.cpp.

Be sure to read the function descriptions carefully — your implementation is expected to behave as described in this document. Following are additional project requirements.

Requirement:You may not use any Standard Template Library (STL) classes other thanpairandtuplein the implementation ofEntryListandGraph. You may use STL classes inmytest.cpp.

Requirement:your code must compile with the originalGraph.hheader file. You are not allowed to make any changes to this file.

Requirement:You may add private helper functions to theEntryListclass, but they must be declared inEntryList.h. No other modifications toEntryList.hare permitted.


Following is anon-exhaustivelist of tests to perform on your implementation.


Basic tests ofinsert(),update(),remove(), andgetEntry:

Create anEntryList; insert a number of entries; check that contents of the list are correct.

Update some of the entries; check that the contents of the list are correct.

getEntry()returns the desired entry in theretreference variable. Similarly,remove()returns the entry that was removed inret.

Remove some of the entries; check that the contents are correct.

Check that entries are ordered by increasing vertex after some combination of insertions and removals.

Check that there are no duplicate vertex values in the entries after some combination of insertions and removals.

Tests of the copy constructor and assignment operator:

Copy and assignment create a copy with the correct data.

Copy and assignment create a deep copy.

Copy and assignment function correctly when the source object is empty.

Assignment protects against self-assignment.

Miscellaneous tests:

All functions that return aboolstatus return the correct value.

at(int indx)throwsrange_errorifindxis not a valid index.

Expansion functions correctly. For example, insert 10 entries; check capacity; insert another entry; capacity should double.

Contraction functions correctly. For example, insert 11 entries; check capacity; remove seven entries (so size falls to four); check capacity.

Iterator-basedforloop lists entries in array order and terminates correctly.

Iterator-basedforloop functions correctly for an emptyEntryList.

*begin()returns first element of non-emptyEntryList;begin() != end()unless theEntryListis empty.

Test for memory leaks and errors usingValgrind.


Basic tests of constructor,addEdge(), andremoveEdge():

Constructor throwsinvalid_argumentifn≤0" role="presentation">n≤0n≤0.

Perform combinations of insertions and deletions, checking that the contents of the data structure are correct.

addEdge()andremoveEdge()throwinvalid_argumentif passed an invalid vertex number.

Tests of the copy constructor and assignment operator:

Copy and assignment create a copy with the correct data.

Copy and assignment create a deep copy.

Copy and assignment function correctly when the source object is empty.

Assignment protects against self-assignment.

Tests of the edge iterator:

Edge iterator functions correctly when every vertex has one or more neighbors.

Edge iterator functions correctly when one or more vertex has no neighbors; includes the possibility of two or moreconsecutivevertices having no neighbors.

Dereference and increment throwinvalid_argumentwhen applied to an uninitialized iterator.

*egBegin()returns first edge of a non-emptyGraph;egBegin() != egEnd()unless theGraphhas no edges.

Tests of the neighbor iterator:

Neighbor iterator functions correctly for vertices having one or more neighbors.

Neighbor iterator functions correctly for vertices havingnoneighbors.

Dereference and increment throwinvalid_argumentwhen applied to an uninitialized iterator.

*nbBegin()returns first neighbor of a vertex;nbBegin() != nbEnd()unless the vertex has no neighbor

May 18, 2022

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