· Your answers will be typed and double-spaced. Use Arial 12-pitch font and one-inch margins. · Type your answers directly into the spaces provided. Your typed responses will be double-spaced...

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· Your answers will be typed and double-spaced. Use Arial 12-pitch font and one-inch margins.

· Type your answers directly into the spaces provided. Your typed responses will be double-spaced sentences (not bullets).

  • Your answers should be approximately one typed page for each question. Limit your answers to one page.

  • If you state something from doctrine, the readings or the lessons as part of your answer, you MUST give a citation in accordance with ST 22-2. You may use parenthetical citations, endnotes, or footnotes on this exam.

  • You do not have to submit a CGSC 1009w writing evaluation form with this exam.

· You must complete this assignment and all Phase 1 requirements before you can progress on to TASS or ADL Phase 2.You may use parenthetical citations, endnotes, or footnotes on this homework.

1. Describe the general differences between a Geographic Combatant Command and a Functional Combatant Command. (5 pts)

2. Using the “Global Trends; Paradox of Progress,” extract you read during the C202 lesson regarding the Future Security Environment, choose one significant challenge, and one significant opportunity. Briefly describe (i.e. no more than a paragraph each) the challenge and opportunity and why each would be significant to a geographic combatant commander. (10 pts)

a) Challenge [5 points]

b) Opportunity [5 points]

3. Describe the instruments of national power and provide at least one example for each category. (20 pts)

4. Describe risk within the Ends-Ways-Means-Risk construct and approaches to risk reduction that a combatant commander could make if a given strategy approved at the national policy/strategic level was determined to entail excessive risk. (15 pts)

5. Explain how the CJCS fulfills the role of principle military adviser in the National Security Council system. (10 pts)

6. What information do the GEF and JSCP contain that a Geographic Combatant Commander uses to guide the development of Theater Strategy? (10 pts)

a) GEF [5 points]

b) JSCP [5 points]

In the context of strategy formulation, the questions of feasibility, acceptability, and suitability are really questions about the validity of a given strategy. In your own words, briefly define the concepts of feasibility, acceptability, and suitability. (15 pts)

a) Feasibility [5 points]

b) Acceptability [5 points]

c) Suitability [5 points]

8. Using the USEUCOM Theater Strategy from Lesson C205, describe how EUCOM is accomplishing the first theater priority of “Deter Russian aggression.” (10 pts)

9. What is the purpose of a Combatant Commanders Annual Posture Statement to Congress? (5 pts)

Answered Same DayMay 14, 2021

Answer To: · Your answers will be typed and double-spaced. Use Arial 12-pitch font and one-inch margins. ·...

Perla answered on May 15 2021
153 Votes
Running Assignment: Academic Writing Assignment    
Academic Writing Assignment
Title: Academic Writing Assignment
Student Name and Id
Course Name and Id
Author Note
The current report is presented as part of the requirements to complete th
e course work.
(i) There is difference in the domain of operations as well as in the functionalities of the functional commandant commands as well as the geographic combatant commands.
Geographical combatant commands will operate clearly in the delineate domains of their responsibility, they will have regional military focus only and they are constrained from extending their control or interference with other regions or areas. At the same time, the functional combatant command will work on to operate globally across diverse geographical boundaries they do provide various capabilities by supporting the geographical combatant commands as well as the armed services as well(Costa,2020).
(ii) As per Global trends- Paradox of progress, the future security paradigm and perspectives are going to change drastically they are not going to be same like the current. This is mainly due to the change in the actors their roles and the power control in general. One of the very obvious and power future security challenges will be in the form of terrorism. Unless it is averted and restricted to the maximum, terrorism will become even more serious episode.
They are going to impact the states, countries and interesting parties as well, this is going to create more intense harm for all global harm. Also the characteristics of the security challenge also going to be more different from the traditional ways, perhaps a bio-ware fare, a cyber attack and other novel ways of offences will surface apart from traditional assaults. The rising complexity of the security challenges will demand more challenge and capabilities from the security agencies in future.
However the same scenario also turns out to be a facilitator of opportunity as well. Wider domain facilitator of collaboration can be achieved with this means. Diverse stakeholders of the planet, individuals, communications, states and the interstate bodies now can collaborate on common objectives of security concerns. Changed paradigm of collaboration and information technology and digital solutions being availed will provide with more robust resilience building opportunities in future.
Geographic commandant commands need to acquire more potential resilience to face the future challenges. Also they will need to take up collaboration and communication with more stakeholders to become more responsible agency of security promise in the coming immediate future.

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