You will build the research project throughout the semester, working on each component in various stages and drafts. The final 5-7 page research paper will include the following sections:
Introduction: situate the community, the research question, and the necessary background
Review of Literature: Synthesize the existing conversation using the source material you’ve been working with throughout the semester
Analysis of Primary Research: analyze observation and survey*/interview materials in context with the review of literature
Conclusion: explain what can be concluded about your research question, the community of study, and how fellow researchers might move forward with their work
*It may be useful to include data visualizations if working with surveys.
Notincluded in the final page count, butrequiredback matter includes:
References: only cite the references you have used in your paper; do not include annotations (citations only on the reference page). A minimum of five sources must be included in your final paper.
Appendix:include survey results or interview transcripts and observation report (if used in the final write-up)