You solve the linear optimization problem in Question III without including the con-
straint from (c) using Excel solver. You obtained the sensitivity table in Table 4.
Please see attached image for the Constraints/Sensitivity Table
a) Which products are exhausted | or, in other words, what constraints are binding?
b) Can increasing the supply of sugar result in an increased value of the objective function?
c) [What is the change in revenue if the supply of butter is increased from 15; 000g to 17; 000g?
d) What is the change in revenue if the supply of eggs is decreased from 35 to 31?
e) If you decrease the supply of our from 17; 000g to 5; 000g then the
revenue will increase, decrease, or remain the same?
(f) The constraint associated with making at least 14 croissants each day
was added. The problem was resolved and the sensitivity report obtained. The
shadow price turned out to be non-zero. What is the sign of the shadow price?
Positive or negative?

Extracted text: Constraints Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease $H$1 $H$2 Butter (g) 15000 0.005 15000 2500 9166.667 Sugar (g) 17500 Flower (g) 25000 1E+30 7500 $H$3 $H$4 9375 17000 1E+30 7625 Eggs (Unit) 35 7.5 35 15