You need to create a database for animation activities at a resort: There are customers participating in the activities. Customers' ID, name, surname, age, room number and telephone information are...

You need to create a database for animation activities at a resort:

There are customers participating in the activities. Customers' ID, name, surname, age, room number and telephone information are kept. There are animators running the activities. ID, name, surname, telephone number and area of ​​expertise of the animators are kept. Each animator can have more than one specialization. There are two different types of activity. Individual activity and Group activity. Individual activities have ID, activity name, internet connection, participation requirement. Group activities store ID, activity name, internet connection and capacity information. Group activities such as aerobics, surf school and pool games are open to the participation of more than one client and more than one animator. There is only one animator who is also a supervisor for individual activities. An animator supervises only one activity. Many customers can participate in individual activities, but they need a separate scheduled time during the day. There is an emergency information for each group activity. If the activity is deleted, emergency information does not need to be stored. The emergency information includes the phone number to call and the cabinet number that holds the keys to get emergency equipment. Equipment is stored according to ID, equipment name and purpose. The equipment is used by animators. Multiple animators may use more than one equipment.

1. Create an E-R diagram, show entities, properties, relationships, and related cardinality constraints.

Jun 08, 2022

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