You must write Javascript code to loop thru the list of all products, produce the HTML code for each, append to previous products HTML, and output the whole resulting catalog on the screen. Reminder:...

You must write Javascript code to loop thru the list of all products, produce the HTML code for each, append to previous products HTML, and output the whole resulting catalog on the screen. Reminder: syntax to read a property, example get the price of the second product in the list: products[1].price • If for a product the qty_in_stock is 0 , do not show the product on the web page • Your code must work with an array of any amount of product, do not hardcode the list of 6 products by copy/paste the HTML above ! You must use a for loop for example. If a product is removed or added to the list, the code doesn't need to be modified. • Note that when we click on the BUY button, it should be added to cart.”

Jun 09, 2022

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