You are tocritique it using the provided question key.Do not deviate from the questions.1. When you answeralltheFactual Questions,you mustrefer to the literal...

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You are to

critique it using the provided question key.

Do not deviate from the questions.

1. When you answer



Factual Questions,

you mustrefer to the literal line(e.g. Line 230) as noted in the provided study, which are outlined with content lines; this suggest you understand the exact answer.

2. Next in the

Questions for Discussion,

pick 2 questions to answer


do not answer all the Questions for Discussion


In narrative/ APA format, dissect your answer to the case question.

3. Lastly, in the

Quality Ratings


answer all the quality ratings.

4.Then, pick 2 ratings that you either strongly agree or strongly disagree

, and innarrative/ APA formatconstruct a one paragraph argument that supports your position on both.

Non-Experimental Research-

Ethical Issues Faced by Nursing Editors-1.pdf

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You are to critique it using the provided question key. Do not deviate from the questions.   1. When you answer all the Factual Questions, you must refer to the literal line (e.g. Line 230) as noted in the provided study, which are outlined with content lines; this suggest you understand the exact answer. 2. Next in the Questions for Discussion,  pick 2 questions to answer - do not answer all the Questions for Discussion.  In narrative/ APA format, dissect your answer to the case question. 3. Lastly, in the Quality Ratings, answer all the quality ratings.  4. Then, pick 2 ratings that you either strongly agree or strongly disagree, and in narrative/ APA format construct a one paragraph argument that supports your position on both. Non-Experimental Research- Ethical Issues Faced by Nursing Editors-1.pdfOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader Quantitative and Qualitative Critique Rubric FACTUAL QUESTIONS: ALL factual questions in your study must be answered. First identify the answer to the Factual Question, and offer a very succinct, precise, and explicit answer to each one that confirms you have read this and identified the content that answers the factual question. See your selected article and answer ALL the factual questions and you must reference where in the article you found that answer (line numbers). QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSION: Pick 2 questions for discussion ONLY- do not answer all the questions for discussion. Pick two of the most important questions for discussion- in your opinion that you believe are worthy of a discussion. In one or two paragraphs (no more than 250 words) - answer the question RUBRIC- QUANTITATIVE ARTICLE CRITIQUE- DUE APRIL 28TH Quantitative Article Critique- Factual / Discussion / Ratings CriteriaRatingsPts Analysis25 pts23 pts19 pts15 pts ExemplaryAccomplishedDevelopingUnsatisfactory- (Point Range: 24-25)(Point Range: 20-23)(Point Range: 16-Beginning Demonstrates aDemonstrates an19) Demonstrates(Point Range: 0-15) sophisticatedunderstanding and somegeneralDemonstrates a lack of understanding and careful,critical analysis of theunderstandingunderstanding and critical analysis of thetopic. Adequatelywith limitedinadequate analysis of topic. Compares/contrastscompares/contrastscritical analysis ofthe topic. Analysis is perspectives, considersperspectives, counter-the topic.superficial based on counter arguments orarguments, or opposingSummarizesopinions and preferences opposing positions, andpositions but broaderperspectives,rather than critical draws original andconnections and/orcounter-analysis. thoughtful conclusionsimplications are not asarguments, or with future implications.thoroughly explored.opposing positions. Evidence5 pts4 pts3 pts1 pts (sources)ExemplaryAccomplishedDevelopingUnsatisfactory- (Point Range: 5) Provides(Point Range: 4) Provides(Point Range: 2-3)Beginning compelling and accurateessential, accurateProvides some(Point Range: 0-1) Lacks evidence to support in-evidence to support theevidence tosufficient sources to depth the central position.central position. Sourcessupport thesupport the central Sources are highlyare referenced and citedcentral positionposition and/or, if relevant, accurate, andappropriately throughoutwith only a fewincluded, are generally reliable and add to thethe paper for the mostsources. Somenot relevant, accurate, or strength of the paper; andpart.sources may notreliable. Contains are effectively referencedbe relevant,numerous factual and cited throughout theaccurate, andmistakes, omissions, or paper.reliable and/oroversimplifications. appropriatelySources, if included, are referenced andnot properly referenced cited in the paper.and cited in the paper. Organization10 pts8 pts7 pts6 pts ExemplaryAccomplishedDevelopingUnsatisfactory- (Point Range: 9-10) PaperPaper is adequatelyPaper isBeginning is effectively organized.organized. Ideas aresomewhat Ideas are arrangedarranged reasonably withorganized,(Point Range: 0-6) Paper logically, flow smoothly,a progression of thoughtalthoughlacks logical organization with a strong progressionfrom paragraph tooccasionally ideasand impedes readers’ of thought from paragraphparagraph connecting tofrom paragraph tocomprehension of ideas. to paragraph connectingthe central position.paragraph mayCentral position is rarely to the central position.not flow wellevident from paragraph and/or connect toto paragraph and/or the the centralpaper is missing multiple position or berequired components. clear as a whole. May be missing a required component and/or component may be less than complete. Writing Quality10 pts8 pts7 pts6 pts & Adherence toExemplaryAccomplishedDevelopingUnsatisfactory- APA Format(Point Range: 9-10) PaperPaper shows abovePaper shows anBeginning Guidelinesis well written and clearaverage writing style andaverage and/orPaper shows a below using APA 7th editionclarity in writing usingcasual writingaverage/poor writing guidelines and standardstandard English andstyle usingstyle lacking in elements English characterized byfollowing APA 7th editionstandard Englishof appropriate standard elements of a strongguidelines. Minor errorsand following APAEnglish and following writing style. Basically,in grammar, punctuation,7th editionproper APA 7th edition free from grammar,spelling, usage, and/orguidelines. Someguidelines. Frequent punctuation, spelling,formatting.errors in spelling,errors in spelling, usage, or formattinggrammar,grammar, punctuation, errors.punctuation,spelling, usage, and/or usage, and/orformatting. formatting. Total Points Awarded
Answered 1 days AfterApr 23, 2024

Answer To: You are tocritique it using the provided question key.Do not deviate from the...

Anjali answered on Apr 24 2024
12 Votes
Factual questions
Ans 1: Email-addresses could not be verified for the 13 of the 177 editors corresponding to
the research according to line no. 120.
Ans 2: according to line no. 125 the 88 editors represented the 90 journals who completed the survey related to the research
Ans 3: 66% was the response rate for the conducted survey based analysis according to line no. 125
Ans 4: according to line no. 150, 108 descriptive questions are used to collect the responses of the people or editors, these questions are open ended multiple choice questions.
Ans 5: according to the factors included in table 1. 42% of the responses cited advertising pressure as a concern.
Questions for discussions
Q8: Was it a good to delete the identification of respondents
It is necessary to delete the identification of respondents in research because it helps to maintain the privacy of the respondent and ethical issues related to use of personal information of the respondent can be avoided by deleting this information. It is the responsibility of the researcher to inform the respondent by including the informed consent...

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