You are the vice president of communication at e-Games Manufacturing Systems. Your company is a major producer of video games for children and adults. The management team recently got a confidential...

You are the vice president of communication at e-Games Manufacturing Systems. Your company is a major producer of video games for children and adults. The management team recently got a confidential research report that one children’s game has been shown to increase violent behavior among children who play it and subscribe online for the latest updates that usually escalate the dangers of various situations. While the company is preparing for a private research analysis of the data, you are alerted by a friend, a university faculty member in psychology, that as a reviewer for a major journal she has an article describing a video game that she thinks your company makes. Although the company is not named, she thinks this is your game. She does not know the author because all papers for refereed publications are reviewed without identifying the authors. The article is not likely to be published soon, but a version of it could be presented at any number of professional conferences that release abstracts of papers online that can be seen by anyone, including reporters. She thinks your company will be identified as a result.

How would you treat this subject in writing a speech for the CEO to present to:

a. employees?

b. customers?

c. the investment community?

d. educators in public and private schools?

May 19, 2022

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