You are the oaRer of a hardaare store and need to keep an inventory that ean tell you what different tools yvu have, hev Rany of each you have on hand and the cost of each one. W rite a program withi...

You are the oaRer of a hardaare store and need to keep an<br>inventory that ean tell you what different tools yvu have, hev<br>Rany of each you have on hand and the cost of each one. W rite a<br>program withi me to process Random- AeY File. The menu las<br>several options First option is to oppen a random-avers file. The<br>program shonld prony the ser to enter the name of the file. I<br>the file does not erist, the program should create the file with 100<br>Capty recurds. The second optioni is to displery all the valid records<br>in the rankom-cess file. The third aption is to ask aser to enter<br>data for a new reord. If the remrd already erists in the same<br>record numher, the new recond uvilloveravite the old record. The<br>fiurth eption is o crit the program.<br>The Ranckon-Aecess Datt File keeps the inventery of a hardaare<br>Store. The file stares the part nmber or recrd umber between !<br>to100), the tool name, the quantity on hand, and the cnst of each<br>Reguirements:<br>a) Your proygram st preduce the promps and the ostpal the<br>Se as gieen<br>b) Tour program should ereate a class named IlardwareData<br>Containing the record datea. Make sure yoa create get and set<br>fiunctions for each cdass member data.<br>c Your program eds seperate h and .epp files.<br>Sample Ran:<br>Enter 1 for opening data file.<br>Enter 2 for listing oll the recordk<br>Enter 3 for entering ew reords<br>Enter í to erit the program.<br>Choice:<br>Enter File name: /lardavare.dat<br>File does ot erist, Creating the data file.<br>Choice: 2<br>Record<br>Ilordware data naae<br>Quantity<br>Cost<br>Choice: 3<br>Enter the part mmber 0-99, -1 to end inpt: 5<br>Enter tool wame: lammer<br>Enter part nuber: 0.9, -I to end: 9<br>Fnter tool name: Nails<br>Enter Quantity and Price: 1000 5.50<br>Enter port wumber: -<br>Choice: 2<br>Record<br>Hardwaredata name<br>Quantity<br>Price<br>Il'rench<br>5<br>7.99<br>9<br>Nails<br>5.50<br>

Extracted text: You are the oaRer of a hardaare store and need to keep an inventory that ean tell you what different tools yvu have, hev Rany of each you have on hand and the cost of each one. W rite a program withi me to process Random- AeY File. The menu las several options First option is to oppen a random-avers file. The program shonld prony the ser to enter the name of the file. I the file does not erist, the program should create the file with 100 Capty recurds. The second optioni is to displery all the valid records in the rankom-cess file. The third aption is to ask aser to enter data for a new reord. If the remrd already erists in the same record numher, the new recond uvilloveravite the old record. The fiurth eption is o crit the program. The Ranckon-Aecess Datt File keeps the inventery of a hardaare Store. The file stares the part nmber or recrd umber between ! to100), the tool name, the quantity on hand, and the cnst of each Reguirements: a) Your proygram st preduce the promps and the ostpal the Se as gieen b) Tour program should ereate a class named IlardwareData Containing the record datea. Make sure yoa create get and set fiunctions for each cdass member data. c Your program eds seperate h and .epp files. Sample Ran: Enter 1 for opening data file. Enter 2 for listing oll the recordk Enter 3 for entering ew reords Enter í to erit the program. Choice: Enter File name: /lardavare.dat File does ot erist, Creating the data file. Choice: 2 Record Ilordware data naae Quantity Cost Choice: 3 Enter the part mmber 0-99, -1 to end inpt: 5 Enter tool wame: lammer Enter part nuber: 0.9, -I to end: 9 Fnter tool name: Nails Enter Quantity and Price: 1000 5.50 Enter port wumber: - Choice: 2 Record Hardwaredata name Quantity Price Il'rench 5 7.99 9 Nails 5.50
Jun 10, 2022

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