You are tasked with building a discrete event simulation model, using AnyLogic, that canbe used to support an investigation into the eciency of a shrink-wrapping station on a smallbottling line. Your...

You are tasked with building a discrete event simulation model, using AnyLogic, that canbe used to support an investigation into the eciency of a shrink-wrapping station on a smallbottling line. Your focus will be to model a single shift that runs continuously from 08:00{16:00(you may disregard any breaks as there is a rotating pool of workers).The small bottling line is used to pack bottles of hand steriliser before the packs are boxedand shipped. Your focus will only be on the station that receives the bottles and shrink-wrapsthem into packs of six. The station makes use of a semi-automatic AcePak packer and shrink-wrapper, similar to the one shown in the hyperlink. An Industrial Engineering undergraduatestudent did her vacation work at the plant and did some time studies on the arrivals of bottles atthe upstream conveyor before the shrink-wrapper. Her compressed le, titled Arrivals.csv.gz,is attached and each record indicates the time stamp when a bottle arrived. There are two days'record given. The problem is that those time studies are indicative of the product line since thestudent took those on a similar machine than what is feeding your packing station, but therewere no stoppages.When six bottles are at the packer, the operator triggers the pneumatic piston, which pushesthe six-pack through the lm, cuts and seals the lm, and releases the six-pack onto the conveyoras it travels through the heating tunnel. The lm shrinks around the pack, and when it leavesthe tunnel, the operator inspect the pack for defects. A defect might be a torn lm, incorrectlyshrunk; misalignment of bottles; and some others. Looking at some historic data indicates that12% of all six-packs have defects. These defects are removed from the conveyor and placed on apallet to be reworked. Packs without defects are placed on another conveyor and moved downthe line to where they are boxed and moved to the shipping area.Every time the operator places a defect six-pack on the pallet, s/he checks the number asthere is limited space to pack them on the pallet. If there are 20 defects, s/he will immediatelystop the upstream production. Each defect six-pack is then torn open, the plastic discarded,and the six bottles placed on the conveyor feeding the packer. The task of tearing a six-packand placing the bottles is approximately 25 seconds.The initial tender to pack the hand sanitiser is currently under review. This has mademanagement consider if it might be worth upgrading the packer/shrink-wrapper to a fanciernew and automated machine that is said to have better eciency. But to assist them in theirdecision-making, they are asking you to evaluate the current machine. They want you usesimulation to answer two speci c questions:1. How many bottles' worth of production is lost in an 8-hour shift because of stoppages todeal with reworking defective six-packs?2. The shrink-wrapper's lm costs around R0.65/m and each pack uses approximately 1.1mof the lm. How much is wasted (in Rand) on the material that is torn from the defectivepacks?You are tasked to use an AnyLogic simulation model to support your evaluation, and submita report of no more than 2 pages, all inclusive. They will use your report to evaluate theeciency of the current packing station.
May 23, 2022

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