You are required to design an Movie class which has following attributes String name; String Director; String release_Date; Int duration; Provide default & Parameterized constructors. Provide getters...

You are required to design an Movie class which has following attributes

         String name;

         String Director;

         String release_Date;

         Int duration;

  1. Provide default & Parameterized constructors.

  2. Provide getters & setters for data members.

  3. Provide a toString() method to print values.

 Now create an array of items store values in it (take values form user). After that you have to print the following

  1. All the movies in the array.

  2. Movie whose name starts with ‘a’;

  3. Movie whose director name end with “m”.

  4. All the movies having released on 28-3-2021.

  5. Movie with longest duration.

Jun 08, 2022

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