You are required to create full-function .NET application to solve a case study. Application function include: Login Media Browse Media search (at least 3 criteria including Title search) Media borrow

You are required to create full-function .NET application to solve a case study. Application function include: Login Media Browse Media search (at least 3 criteria including Title search) Media borrow

Completed .NET Application Completed .NET Application 06/12/2020 Unlimited Attempts 09/11/202013/12/2020 Calculated by: Most Recent 0/100 Points MISSING A2. Programming .NET ( New Attempt Attempt 1 Available Uploaded Submitted Marked Details You are required to create full-function .NET application to solve a case study. Application function include: Login Media Browse Media search (at least 3 criteria including Title search) Media borrow Help Me 8/12/20, 3:01 am Page 1 of 3 Media reserve Media return Master information maintenance (Add new, Update, Delete for Media, Genre, Language, Director) User information maintenance (Add new, Update, Delete) Reporting (at least 1 report) Matt's BattlePlan You should already have Login, Media Browse, Media Search and User information maintenance from class and the previous assignment. Master information maintenance Use the user add, update, delete code we did in class to help build the section to add Genre, Language and Director aswell as add, update, delete for Media. Remember to start in the Data Layer, then Business, then Presentation. NOTE: selecting genre,language,director for media should be a drop down Media Borrow/Reserve/Return You need to add to the user side to do the borrow, reserve, return. This part is intentionally vague. Look at the database and look at the TabReserve and TabBorrow tables. Reserve: This one is easier. All you need to do is add a new entry to the table adding the user and mediaID and get the current date of the system (google search C# get current date) Borrow/Return: Borrow is more complicated. So you need to add entries into it too, but only insert the user ID, media ID, borrow date and estimated return date. Let the rest of the fields be entered by default values. I'm guessing by the data here (I wouldn't have done it this way) that a media that has the ActualReturnDate greater then or equal to the current date, then 8/12/20, 3:01 am Page 2 of 3 No Submission its considered returned (default value seems to be 1/1/2000?) Presentation: I would add a Borrow and Reserve button to the current user page that Borrows or Reserves the media if its available. Only borrow a media if its not reserved by anyone else. If it is reserved by the user, delete their reservation when they borrow the media. For return I would make a combo box populated with all of the media the user has borrowed and button next to it saying "Return Media" which basically sets the 'actualReturnDate' for that borrow entry to the current date. Only list borrowed media that have a actualReturnDate less then the BorrowDate (I know its confusing). Reporting This part is actually pretty easy. In admin, list a bunch of useful information e.g List all borrowed media entries or reserved media entries Not submitted 0/100 PointsAttempt 1 Comments Rubric 8/12/20, 3:01 am Page 3 of 3
May 18, 2022

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