You are on a date. Your date runs out of gas unexpectedly. You come to your own rescue by siphoning gas from
another car. The height difference for the siphon is about 1 ft.
The hose diameter is 0.5 in. What is your gasoline flow rate?
6.51 You (a young person of legal drinking age) are making
homemade beer. As part of the process you have to siphon
the wort (the fermenting beer with sediment at the bottom)
into a clean tank using a 5-mm ID tubing. Being a young
engineer, you’re curious about the flow you can produce.
Find an expression for and plot the flow rate Q (liters per
minute) versus the differential in height h (millimeters)
between the wort free surface and the location of the hose
exit. Find the value of h for which Q 5 2 L/min.