You are asked to write a discount system for a beauty saloon, which provides services and sells beauty products. It offers 3 types of memberships: Premium, Gold, and Silver. Premium, gold and silver...

You are asked to write a discount system for a beauty saloon, which provides services and sells beauty products.

It offers 3 types of memberships: Premium, Gold, and Silver. Premium, gold and silver members receive a discount of 20%, 15%, and 10%, respectively, for all services provided. Customers without membership receive no discount. All members receives a flat 10% discount on products purchased (this might change in the future).

Your system shall consist of three classes: Customer, DiscountRate and Visit, as shown in the class diagram. It shall compute the total bill if a customer purchases $x of products and $y of services, for a visit. Also, write a test program VisitDriver (are not to be graded and optional) to exercise all the classes.

Important: "Visit Class diagram - ERROR"

Constructor method of Visit class must recieve Customer object instead of String name.

Visit(Customer customer, Date date)

The class DiscountRate contains only static variables and methods (underlined in the class diagram).

The toString methods' return templates are as below:

  • Customer(name=Murodali, member=false, memberType=null)

  • Visit{customer=Customer(name=Murodali, member=false, memberType=null), date=17-12-2020, serviceExpense=0.00, productExpense=0.00}

The following Java classes are to be submitted:

  • Customer

  • CustomerTest JUnit file (optional)

  • DiscountRate

  • DiscountRateTest JUnit file (optional)

  • Visit

  • VisitTest JUnit file (optional)

  • VisitDriver (optional)

Note: There should be submitted only three files:, and

Customer<br>Visit<br>1 m -customer:Customer<br>|-date:Date<br>-name:String<br>-member:boolean=false<br>-serviceExpense:double<br>-productExpense:double<br>|-memberType:String<br>+Customer (name:String)<br>+getName (): String<br>+isMember(): boolean<br>+setMember (member:boolean):void<br>+getMemberType ():String<br>+setMemberType (type:String): void<br>+toString():String<br>+Visit(name:String,date:Date)<br>+getName ():String<br>+getServiceExpense():double<br>+setServiceExpense(ex:double):void<br>+getProductExpense():double<br>+setProductExpense(ex:double):void<br>+getTotalExpense():double<br>+toString():String<br>DiscountRate<br>|-serviceDiscountPremium:double=0.2<br>-serviceDiscountGold:double=0.15<br>-serviceDiscountSilver:double=0.1<br>-productDiscountPremium:double=0.1<br>-productDiscountGold:double=0.1<br>-productDiscountSilver:double=0.1<br>+getServiceDiscountRate(type:String): double<br>+getProductDiscountRate(type:String):double<br>

Extracted text: Customer Visit 1 m -customer:Customer |-date:Date -name:String -member:boolean=false -serviceExpense:double -productExpense:double |-memberType:String +Customer (name:String) +getName (): String +isMember(): boolean +setMember (member:boolean):void +getMemberType ():String +setMemberType (type:String): void +toString():String +Visit(name:String,date:Date) +getName ():String +getServiceExpense():double +setServiceExpense(ex:double):void +getProductExpense():double +setProductExpense(ex:double):void +getTotalExpense():double +toString():String DiscountRate |-serviceDiscountPremium:double=0.2 -serviceDiscountGold:double=0.15 -serviceDiscountSilver:double=0.1 -productDiscountPremium:double=0.1 -productDiscountGold:double=0.1 -productDiscountSilver:double=0.1 +getServiceDiscountRate(type:String): double +getProductDiscountRate(type:String):double
Jun 09, 2022

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