(Yewande) please followGuideline for Research Proposal and student want plagiarism report.
314MANEL: Guideline for Research Proposal
Write out your research topic clearly at the top of the page
The negative impact of covid 19 on small businesses in uk. During the lockdown
Introduction (About 200 words)
o Brief background of the concept you research topic
o Why this area and indeed the topic is of interest to you
o Indicate who bill benefit from the outcome of your research/the gap that your research findings will fill.
Research Questions (About 100 words):
This is breaking down your research topic into manageable areas that will guide the research.
o State minimum of 3 Research Questions
o Explain why your research topic is of academic/practical importance
Research Aims and Objectives (About 100 words)::
o Outline the main objectives of your research
o Providing details of two or three key aspects of your research
Literature Review (About 400 words):
o Write a short literature review, indicating the importance of previous related research or investigated literature
o Discuss how your own research question might make a useful contribution to the area/sector
Research Methodology (About 500 words):
o State the main Research Techniques (interviews, case studies, modelling etc.) & state whether you will be using quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods methodologies and why you want to use that method
o State advantages and disadvantages of your chosen method
o Indicate your suggested data collection procedures, indicating sources and any expected difficulties
o Explain any analytical techniques you intend to use and why that choice
Ethical Considerations(About 100 words):
o Explain the importance of ethical issues in academic research
o Explain how and why you will comply with CU ethical guidelines
Proposed Timescale (About 100 words):
o This is better done using Gantts Chart (Remember that this is a 6 weeks Project and your timeline should not be longer than 6 weeks (07/06/2021 – 16/07/2021)
First week I research on my chosen topic and send it to my tutor and he approve my topicetc
Reference List:
o List the references in your proposal or provide a short bibliography. (Remember that this should be the list of your intended sources info/data that you have/would use for both CW1 and CW2.