Answer To: Writing an outline for an exegetical paper Ephesians versus 6 10 Based on your chosen Ephesians...
Jose answered on Apr 19 2021
The University of Queensland
Paper Writing
Student Submitting:
Due Date: 19/04/2020
“Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior”
It means marriage is a contract between three people, husband, wife and Christ and Christ is head of the church and we have to follow his words and rules for avoiding imbalances in our life.
The god has some plans about people and he also created some golden rules that we have to follow for creating his kingdom. Every husband has to love their wife because husband and wife entered in to contract and they give their promise to the god that they will love each other and they will protect each other. “Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as you do to the Lord” after marriage wives have to submit everything to their husband like the god submitted everything for the church and people. Both husband and wives are born and bought in different families and through marriage, they are joining together as one soul. Husband has a responsibility towards the wife and wife has some responsibility towards the husband (Van et al 2018). While analysing the Colossians 3:18-4:1 “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them” we can understand it is connected to Ephesians 5:22 and indicating the message that husbands have to take care their wives, nobody has the given right to the husbands to harsh them. In the name of god wives and husbands has to love each other they also have to understand their needs and from Ephesians 5:22 we can understand that husband is head of the wife and wives has to follow the words of a husband for leading a peaceful life. Like Christ, wives have to consider their husband, after marriage the only man that can help and protect the wives in the world is husband, so wives have to understand the needs of the husband and make sure that he is happy all the time. On
tother side husband also has to make sure that
wife is getting whatever she wants and he has to protect her from all the problems.
Marriage is a promise between three people, husband, wife and god. Three people are agreed
for creating e better world and a better life. Through marriage people helping the god for developing his kingdom in the world. While analysing today’s world people are giving importance to the concept of marriage, they considered a formal way of getting permission for satisfying their sexual interest and needs. The viewpoint of god related to marriage is entirely different and it provides new meaning and life to the concept of marriage. People have to spend more time to understand issues that will affect their marriage life. People also have to spend more time with our family members for understanding their interest and needs (Gates 2019). Ephesians 5:22 clearly states the duties and responsibility of wives and husbands in marriage life, we are sons and daughters of Christ and we are obliged to follow the principles and rules of the Jesus Christ. Marriage is called as a sacrament, in which people are agreed to have a long term partnership and through this sacrament, the Christ teaches the people about love, care and sacrifice.
According to the words of American Baptist theologian, W. O. Carver, the most important and meaningful book in the bible is Ephesians. The book can be called as the letter written by the Apostolate Paul to the “God’s holy people in Ephesus”. The main objective of the books was to provide guidelines and rules to God’s holy people in Ephesus for leading a good life. As per the report of researchers, Ephesus called a commercial city or port that is near to the Aegean Sea (House 2019). Most of the traders considered Ephesus as a Gateway to Asia, and the city also considered as the land of Jews. Most of the people in Ephesus also believes in Greek values and systems. For providing effective guidelines to the people in Ephesus author of the book Apostolate Paul created his ministry in Ephesus and he understands the lifestyle and practices of people in Ephesus. While analysing the Acts 18:18–22 “They arrived at Ephesus, where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila. He went...