Write the SQL to respond to the following queries. This is an individual assignment. You may use either Access or a Fiddle to create your response. We encourage you to save all of your queries into a...

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Write the SQL to respond to the following queries. This is an individual assignment. You may use either Access or a Fiddle to create your response. We encourage you to save all of your queries into a text document to make sure you do not lose your work. Ultimately you will paste each query into a response field in this assessment.

Chapter 4.4 a - h (8 queries)

Chapter 4.5 a - g (7 queries)

I put 4.4 questions below and I put 4,5 questions in attachment.

4.4Retrieve the Chapter 4 Relational Database (in Microsoft Access format)

  1. a.List Customers that live in the city of Winslow. Provide CustomerID, Customer- Name, and Street.

  2. b.List all sales for which SalesPerson “B. Green” was responsible. Provide SalesInvoiceID, SaleDate, CustomerID, and CustomerName.

  3. c.List all inventory items sold to “Lola Doyle.” Provide SaleDate, ItemID, Description, and Quantity.

  4. Queries with aggregate functions

  5. d.How many different kinds of inventory items does S&S sell? Use NumOfItems as the name of the output column.

  6. e.How many sales were made during October? Use NumOfSales as the name of your output column.

  7. f.How many sales were made to each customer? List CustomerID, CustomerName, and NumOfSales. Sort the list by NumOfSales in descending order.

  8. g.How many units of each product were sold? Provide ItemID, Description, Color, and SumOfQuantity. Sort the list by ItemID in ascending order.

  9. h.List the total of each invoice. Compute this by summing Quantity times SoldPrice for all the items on each invoice. Name the total InvoiceTotal. Provide SalesInvoiceID, SaleDate, SalesPerson, and InvoiceTotal. Sort the list by InvoiceTotal in descending order.

Answered Same DayDec 01, 2021

Answer To: Write the SQL to respond to the following queries. This is an individual assignment. You may use...

Ayush answered on Dec 24 2021
153 Votes
Ans 1 : SELECT CustomerID,CustomerName,Street FROM Customer WHERE City= "Winslow"
Ans 2 : SELECT Sa
les.SalesInvoiceID, Sales.SaleDate, Sales.CustomerID,Customer.CustomerName FROM Sales, Customer WHERE Sales.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID AND Sales.SalesPerson='B. Green'
Ans 3: SELECT...

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