Write Python statements that multiply two given numpy arrays of same size element-by-element. Print the sum of each column and row of multiplied array. Write Python statements that test your function....

Write Python statements that multiply two given numpy arrays of same size element-by-element.<br>Print the sum of each column and row of multiplied array.<br>Write Python statements that test your function.<br>Part-4:<br>Array1:<br>[[ 4 5 2]<br>[9-2 5]]<br>Array2:<br>[[5 7 4]<br>[8 2 5]]<br>Multiplied array:<br>[[20 35 8]<br>[72 -4 25]]<br>Columns sum: [92 31 33]<br>

Extracted text: Write Python statements that multiply two given numpy arrays of same size element-by-element. Print the sum of each column and row of multiplied array. Write Python statements that test your function. Part-4: Array1: [[ 4 5 2] [9-2 5]] Array2: [[5 7 4] [8 2 5]] Multiplied array: [[20 35 8] [72 -4 25]] Columns sum: [92 31 33]

Jun 09, 2022

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