Write and post your Unit 6 Discussion Board initial post.Compose a draft of your Unit 6 Academic Essay Assignment. Include and give credit to the article you are using as the basis for your paper, but...

Write and post your Unit 6 Discussion Board initial post.Compose a draft of your Unit 6 Academic Essay Assignment. Include and give credit to the article you are using as the basis for your paper, but develop your draft using your own ideas and observations. Post your draft as an attached Microsoft Office Word document. Your draft should be approximately 400–500 words long, but if you are further along in the drafting process and your draft is longer, that’s not a problem. Remember that a draft will have weaknesses, so don’t hesitate to post your draft because it’s not “perfect.” You will receive helpful feedback on your draft from your instructor and classmates.Step 3: Respond to classmates’ postingsRespond to at least two classmates’ drafts. Apply what you have learned about Peer-Reviews in the Unit 6 Reading and Learning Activities to offer your classmates specific, constructive and helpful feedback. Don’t grade your classmates’ drafts or comment on grammar. Avoid simply identifying problems. Instead, focus on 1 or 2 areas of the draft (like development of ideas, use of sources, or organization, for example) and offer suggestions for how the classmates might improve on these areas. Remember to ask questions that engage your classmates as well. Use the Track Changes feature in your Word program to insert your improvement suggestions into your classmates’ drafts and post any other comments you would like to make about the drafts in the Discussion Board itself.Step 4: Respond to classmate and instructor follow up questions. Use the feedback you received in Step 2 to help you revise and edit your draft and get it ready for submission to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox.please a topic that is related to business or hospitality n it gotta be a cause and effect draff i attach exampleSAMPLE UNIT 6 DB POSTINITIAL POSTHere’s my draft without sources. I’m not sure I have developed all my ideas and I seem to have alot of different, small paragraphs. I am wondering if I need to combine some of them andwhether I have clarified my ideas or am including too many ideas. Let me know what you think!Email is a convenient way to communicate but Microsoft is trying to change the way it isdone.Email travels through the Internet and can get the message to the recipient almostimmediately. Electronic data travels at the speed of light through the Internet. Even though itmight need to take a circuitous route from one computer to another, it can still seeminstantaneous. The messages can be received within a few seconds and a response sent within afew minutes. That can happen when both parties are online at the same time. However, it doesnot matter if the sender or recipient are online at the time or not. The messages wait to be sentwhen the sender signs in and waits for the recipient to open their email software.Email uses a code that is recognized by all email softwares. The code, or protocol, iscalled Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).Microsoft is the largest supplier of software in the world. They are the predominantsupplier of PC operating systems, called Windows. They even supply users with a free softwarefor basic email services, called Outlook.The cloud is where a user’s data is saved on servers owned and operated by companieslike Google and Microsoft. The cloud saves memory space on the user’s PC because large fileswould not need to be saved locally (on the user’s PC). The user can access the data anytime.Usually, a new cloud user is offered a specific amount of space for free. If they need more thanthat, they can purchase added memory to use.Microsoft now has email-type software that will eliminate the need for attachingdocuments to an email. The software is called “Outlook Web App (OWA) and OneDrive forBusiness. Instead of bothering with attachments, OWA users can now send collaborators a linkto a file stored in OneDrive for Business” (Endler, 2014). The document is saved in the cloud.Access can be granted to all those for whom the document is relevant in an email sent to them.Multiple people can then work on the document at the same time.The sender does not have to place the document into the cloud themselves. If they attachit to the email and select the right option, the document is automatically placed in the cloud forsharing.This method saves memory space on multiple PCs. For a business, this can save moneyby reducing the amount of memory the company needs overall, reducing the number of memoryoriented servers, and reducing the number of system administrators needed to support thoseservers. Also, the types of PCs the company purchases can be more for faster computing andwith less internal memory.This method also can enable better collaboration. With multiple people accessing thedocument at the same time, they can each contribute to the document without needing to be inthe same space at the same time, or even online at the same time.Microsoft wants to change the way businesses do email by having shared documentssaved to the cloud rather than having them use bandwidth when being sent to multiple recipients.This can save time and money for many entities beyond just the user.Thanks in advance for your help!JohnRESPONSE TO CLASSMATE’S INITIAL POSTJohn, I think you have a great start on your Unit 6 project. The topic itself is really atimely one that describes an important change in your field. I have included my TRACKCHANGES feedback below, but one thing that I do want to suggest is checking your thesisagain. I think it’s more a statement of fact, that this is the change. Remember that the KUWCreading material suggests that we indicate exactly the point we are making about the topic–doyou need to say exactly how it affects businesses in the US? I think you are writing a cause/effectpaper, as it looks close to the cause effect sample we saw in the reading material in the last unit,so I’m wondering if it would help to check that sample out again?JOHN’S DRAFT WITH INSERTED COMMENTS:Email is a convenient way to communicate but Microsoft is trying to change the way it isdone.Email travels through the Internet and can get the message to the recipient almostimmediately. Electronic data travels at the speed of light through the Internet. Even though itmight need to take a circuitous route from one computer to another, it can still seeminstantaneous. The messages can be received within a few seconds and a response sent within afew minutes. That can happen when both parties are online at the same time. However, it doesnot matter if the sender or recipient are online at the time or not. The messages wait to be sentwhen the sender signs in and waits for the recipient to open their email software.Email uses a code that is recognized by all email softwares. The code, or protocol, iscalled Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).Comment [JV1]: Can you indicate in your thesiswhat the effects are ,if that is your point about thetopic?Start with a research question like HOW willMicrosoft’s plan to change to cloud based emailaffect businesses?Then, answer that question and you will have astronger thesis.Microsoft is the largest supplier of software in the world. They are the predominantsupplier of PC operating systems, called Windows. They even supply users with a free softwarefor basic email services, called Outlook.The cloud is where a user’s data is saved on servers owned and operated by companieslike Google and Microsoft. The cloud saves memory space on the user’s PC because large fileswould not need to be saved locally (on the user’s PC). The user can access the data anytime.Usually, a new cloud user is offered a specific amount of space for free. If they need more thanthat, they can purchase added memory to use.Microsoft now has email-type software that will eliminate the need for attachingdocuments to an email. The software is called “Outlook Web App (OWA) and OneDrive forBusiness. Instead of bothering with attachments, OWA users can now send collaborators a linkto a file stored in OneDrive for Business” (Endler, 2014). The document is saved in the cloud.Access can be granted to all those for whom the document is relevant in an email sent to them.Multiple people can then work on the document at the same time.The sender does not have to place the document into the cloud themselves. If they attachit to the email and select the right option, the document is automatically placed in the cloud forsharing.This method saves memory space on multiple PCs. For a business, this can save moneyby reducing the amount of memory the company needs overall, reducing the number of memoryoriented servers, and reducing the number of system administrators needed to support thoseservers. Also, the types of PCs the company purchases can be more for faster computing andwith less internal memory.Comment [JV2]: I wonder if these first 3 or 4paragraphs could be combined, so you start withwhat the system is and then you will have more timeto focus on the effects of this system?This method also can enable better collaboration. With multiple people accessing thedocument at the same time, they can each contribute to the document without needing to be inComment [JV3]: John, I am not sure I see youexplaining in enough detail exactly how this createsbetter collaboration? Can you compare it more tohow this occurs in attachment email systems andwhy Cloud based is better?the same space at the same time, or even online at the same time.Microsoft wants to change the way businesses do email by having shared documentssaved to the cloud rather than having them use bandwidth when being sent to multiple recipients.This can save time and money for many entities beyond just the user.I hope this helps, John. Let me know if you have any questions.CalebComment [JV4]: I am not sure I see this ideabeing developed. Can you explain why you think itsaves money? Do you mean for companies?

May 15, 2022

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