Write an interrupt service procedure to check if the number in AL is even or odd. If the number is odd then bit 0 of BL register should be set to 1, otherwise bit 1 should be set. Include all the...

Write an interrupt service procedure to check if the number in AL is even or odd. If the<br>number is odd then bit 0 of BL register should be set to 1, otherwise bit 1 should be set.<br>Include all the necessary commands that should be present in the interrupt service<br>procedure.<br>

Extracted text: Write an interrupt service procedure to check if the number in AL is even or odd. If the number is odd then bit 0 of BL register should be set to 1, otherwise bit 1 should be set. Include all the necessary commands that should be present in the interrupt service procedure.

Jun 11, 2022

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