Write an extended summary of this research paper. I have also attached a guidelines/template of an extended summary.
Microsoft Word - Abstract Template.docx GUIDELINES FOR EXTENDED ABSTRACT Extended abstracts must contain all relevant aspects and information of a regular research in a form that is shorter than the full text. Subtitles of the extended abstract should be composed of abstract and keywords, introduction and objective, method, findings and argument, conclusion and suggestions. It shall be written in English with Times New Roman font, single line spacing and 11 font size and can contain figures, tables, or images. Page margins are 1 inch on all sides, in A4 paper size and should not exceed 2 pages or from 1000 to 2500 words excluding the references. It should follow the suggested template below. Send the abstract as an email attachment to
[email protected]. TEMPLATE TITLE (TIMES NEW ROMAN, 14 FONT SIZE, BOLD, ALL CAPS, CENTERED) Author’s Name and Surname1 , Author’s Name and Surname2 (10 font size) 1Organization of author1; e-mail1 2Organization of author 2; email2 ABSTRACT (12 Font Size, bold, all caps, centered)- Abstract should be written in 200 words and with 10 font size, Times New Roman, justified, single line spacing. Objectives, methods and findings are summarized in this section. KEYWORDS: keyword 1; keyword2; keyword3; up to 5 (Said section should contain maximum 5 words that are written with 10 font size and separated with semi-colon) 1. INTRODUCTION (Title Times New Roman, 12 font size, bold). Current literature regarding the work subject should be examined and the differences of the said work from the past, similar works should be presented clearly in the introduction section. II. METHODOLOGY The methodology must be clearly stated and described in sufficient detail or with sufficient references. The author shall explain the research question, describe the research framework, and the methods applied in detail. It should be furthermore highlighted why the research question is relevant to theory and practice, and why the chosen method(s) are suited for the problem. III. RESULT Presentation of the result obtained. If possible, use descriptive figures or tables rather than explain in text. Do not discuss or interpret the results at this stage. IV. DISCUSSION Discuss the results. Put your results in perspective by comparing to other studies or generally accepted knowledge in the field. Criticize your own method and results, for example, with respect to the simplifications made. V. CONCLUSIONS Conclusions should include (1) the principles and generalizations inferred from the results, (2) any exceptions, problems or limitations of the work, (3) theoretical and/or practical implications of the work, and (5) conclusions drawn and recommendations. VI. REFERENCES References should be listed in alphabetical order and presented in a commonly accepted format but in a consistent style. Use the following examples: Reference to a journal publication: Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J.A.J., Lupton, R.A., 2010. The art of writing a scientific article. J. Sci. Commun. 163, 51–59. Reference to a book: Strunk Jr., W., White, E.B., 2000. The Elements of Style, fourth ed. Longman, New York. MKTG1050 Buying Behaviour CONSUMER RESEARCH PROJECT “HOW DOES CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT AFFECT CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR?” Tutorial: Abdul Salam - Tuesday 4.30PM Ashley Leong s3805930 Amanda Ng s3790712 Jamie Nguyen s3770476 Abstract This paper aims at examining how celebrity endorsements affect consumer buying behavior. Through in-depth interviews and the use of academic resources, we have learned from the sources of data we obtain in our research about the effects of celebrity endorsements on consumer buying behavior. Data from six interviews have been collected, and a thematic analysis has been carried out to identify key themes in the transcripts. Three themes have been deduced from the data collected. The themes of indifference, brand-celebrity association and idolization are the impact celebrity endorsements have on consumer buying behavior. These themes will be addressed in more detail and be used to draw conclusions about marketers' implications and strategies recommended for business success. Introduction Celebrity endorsement can be defined as “...a channel of brand communication in which a celebrity acts as the brand’s spokesperson and certifies the brand’s claim and position by extending his/her personality, popularity, status in society or expertise in the field to the brand.” (Roll 2018) and is almost inescapable in today’s marketing landscape. Many marketing campaigns heavily use celebrities and other big-name icons, some such as Air-Jordans and the George Foreman Gril going so far as to tie the brand intrinsically to the endorser, when the consumers are flooded with so many endorsements these days, marketers must work to ensure that their message doesn’t get drowned out. The effectiveness of endorsements can’t be denied, consumers are more willing to choose celebrity endorsed products compared to non-endorsed (Ahmed et al. 2015) and because of this it has become a staple in the marketer’s toolbox, but it is not without its risks, as the wrong celebrity or the wrong strategy can have adverse effects on the brand (Khatri 2006). To create the most effective use of celebrity endorsement it’s important to first understand why this strategy works and to delve into the psychology of the consumer and so this study was undertaken to gain more insight into this topic. Literature Review Background Businesses have known about the influential nature of celebrity endorsements for centuries now, with one of the earliest recorded cases being Wedgewood in the 1760’s, a producer of fine china (Goyal 2018), and since then has become a widely used tool for many marketers with a speculated 25% of television advertisements in the US making use of celebrity endorsements (Shrimp 2000). Celebrities can be broadly defined as “... people who enjoy public recognition by a large share of a certain group of people” (Khatri 2006), and while traditionally this mainly referred to actors, models, athletes and musicians, public sentiment has shifted to include other figures such as businessmen and politicians. Celebrity endorsements can be seen in a transactional lens as well-known celebrities such as Micheal Jordan may make upwards of $60 million a year while companies see an average increase in stock price of 4% (Kisner 2021), but there is also a risk to the company to employ this strategy as they have little control over a celebrities public persona (Erdogan 1999) and therefore any controversy surrounding the celebrity, such as sex scandals (Huang 2020), may impact the brand image or the presence of a large enough star may even overshadow the brand in the minds of the consumer. Marketing Coordination Endorsements have been proven to increase customer recall of a product with this effect being greater when the message is coordinated with the product (Clark and Horstmann 2005), so marketers should put thought and care into choosing and implementing their celebrity endorsements. This is especially important in retail endorsements, such as Jamie Oliver's endorsement of European Grocer J.Sainsbury (Byrne et al. 2003), where the customer may have certain expectations of retail workers and failure to meet this expectation could lead to negative brand sentiments. The choice of endorser is also of greater importance to the effectiveness of this strategy, as there may be an “association transfer” between the celebrity and the brand (Mooij 2010), this transfer imparts certain perceived qualities from the celebrities to the product, so the celebrity chosen must be carefully considered lest you cause the brand to be saddled with unwanted associations. Credibility The celebrity should also match the product being endorsed on both a cultural and societal level as this may increase the endorsements' credibility as perceived fakeness can be detrimental to the campaign (Khatri 2006; Doss 2009). Ohanian (1990) outlined three major characteristics for endorsement credibility; Attractiveness, Trustworthiness and Expertise. This model works under the belief that someone who excels in one of these characteristics will also perform well on the others, raising overall credibility known as ‘the halo’ effect (Ahmed et al. 2015). This is especially true with attractiveness as this will create more positive feelings in the consumer with little effort (Erdogan 1999). This model may help to understand how effective certain endorsements can be, but times have changed since 1990 and a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the topic is needed. The modern consumer has become more knowledgeable about marketing strategies and may question the sincerity of the endorsement especially if the star has done multiple endorsements for other companies, which can damage the credibility of both the brand and the celebrity (Khatri 2006). Cultural beliefs and values will also impact an endorsement's credibility, as characteristics such as gender and sexual orientation can lead to certain demographics having a lower opinion on the endorsed brand (Huang 2020). Effectiveness Celebrity endorsements are proven to be effective, that much is certain. Many studies have been done that show a connection between endorsement and brand awareness and credibility. (Ahmed et al. 2015; Spry et al. 2011) Why this strategy is effective has been theorized, one of the more prevalent theories being the aforementioned “association transfer” which allows the brand to quickly convey to the consumer certain characteristics they wish to represent while using the celebrity's authority (Byrne et al. 2003). This effect may also use preexisting emotional bonds the consumer has to the star to create a positive response and be a means to “cut through the noise” and make themself more noticeable (Khatri 2006). We believe the underlying cause of the effectiveness of celebrity endorsements is still unexplored, more research into the fundamental cause for this ‘association transfer’ and why it is more effective with celebrities should be taken. Methodology Research Strategy To identify how celebrity endorsement affects consumer buying behavior, a qualitative research method was carried out. Qualitative data helps to uncover useful insights into all business matters. It generates data based on behavior, personality, emotion, and other characteristics that can assist in understanding the "why" and "how" behind a matter (Gibbs 2018). Hence, to address our research question, a qualitative research approach is used to acquire an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior and the factors that influence it. This enables us to get a good overview of phenomena and formulate theories that can be evaluated through more quantitative research. Research Design In-depth interviews are used as the method of qualitative data collection from participants. All interviewees are presented with the same set of seventeen open-ended questions to answer during the interviews. All the interviews and data (the responses of the participants) were collected via Zoom or in person. A minimum of 30 minutes is spent on