Write an essay on the philosophy, intentions and potential of the HASS Curriculum for Australian students. Using the Lower Secondary HASS curriculum, explain how and why the Humanities and Social...

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Write an essay on the philosophy, intentions and potential of the HASS Curriculum for Australian students.

Using the Lower Secondary HASS curriculum, explain how and why the Humanities and Social Sciences learning area uses inquiry-based learning approaches in the development, construction and implementation of the curriculum.Does it have a positive impact on student learning? How can it assist in addressing cross-curriculum priorities and the General Capabilities? You may wish to consider how you would take into account First Nations Peoples perspectives and/or address contested histories in your classroom. Use examples from the curriculum and any relevant documentation from the Curriculum designers to support your argument.

This is a research essay and the expectation is that you will use AT LEAST eight (8) scholarly references. At least five (5) of these references must be drawn from the Unit Reading List.

Word count: 2000 words (+/- 10%) This includes all text (headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes). It excludes the Reference List. Please note for this assessment your marker will stop reading when the word count is reached and only award marks on the material read.

Reading list (If it helps):

- Gilbert & Hoepper (2017) Chapter 3

- Wilson, J., & Wing Jan, L. (2009). “Unpacking Inquiry” Focus on inquiry: A practical approach to curriculum planning (2nded.). Carlton South, Vic: Education Services Australia: 8-19 .

- Gilbert & Hoepper Chapters 9, 10, 16 [spread this reading across weeks 3, 4 and 8]

- LowannaGibson, "Australia has a Genocidal History",The Guardian, 25 February 2019:https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/feb/25/australia-has-a-genocidal-history-but-we-wont-learn-while-its-dominated-by-white-men?CMP=share_btn_fb&fbclid=IwAR35BglS3NRrC_k0jRWdu7R8ZE8pDbc_LZoKfrEm0BWxMt0TjrdcamCxYik

- Riley, M. (2000). Into the key stage 3 history garden: Choosing and planting your enquiry questions. Teaching History, (99)

Murdoch, K. (2015).The power of inquiry.Northcote, Vic:Seastar. (Chapter 2


Murdoch, K. (2015).The power of inquiry.Northcote, Vic:Seastar.(Chapter 3.)

Murdoch, K. (2015).The power of inquiry.Northcote, Vic:Seastar. (Chapter 5.

Answered Same DayJun 22, 2021

Answer To: Write an essay on the philosophy, intentions and potential of the HASS Curriculum for Australian...

Soumi answered on Jun 25 2021
137 Votes
Table of Contents
HASS Curriculum    3
Reason for use of inquiry-based learning approaches in HASS curriculum    3
Implementation of the inquiry-based learning    5
Impact on students    6
Assistance in cross-curriculum priorities and general capabilities    6
First nation p
eoples’ perspectives    7
References    9
HASS Curriculum
    HASS curriculum in Australia aimed to develop curiosity, respect and imagination about the people, places, culture, and prevailing culture all over the world. It provides information about the past and present of the world as well as tries to develop the interest in the students to study the prevailing phenomenon throughout the world. This curriculum engaged the subjects like geography, history, civic and economy. It provides the historical, civic, geographical, and economic in-depth information of people, system, places, values, and system of local and global areas.
    It develops the understanding in students to appreciate geographical phenomena, historical developments, civic values, and economic factors that governs the shape of the society, influence the sustainability, and develops the sense of belonging in the world. This curriculum advocates the use of inquiry-based method and skills to question, research, analyses, evaluate, and communicate so that student can able to develop the interest in the subject.
    It allows the student to effectively participate in daily life such as critically and creatively solving the problem, making the decision after getting informed. It allows students to become responsible citizens. This course makes the student informed, allows to develop enterprising financial behavior, and ethical reflection.
Reason for use of inquiry-based learning approaches in HASS curriculum
    Inquiry based learning can be defined as the pedagogical approach which is used by educators in the educating system for past few decades which allows the students to seek for truth, information and understanding (Approaches in learning, 2019). This allows the student to develop the habit of inquiry in them which means to seek truth so that they can used this approach in their real life. The inquiry-based process has become the central knowledge building and knowing the truth in wide range of learning domain like scientific learning and criminal investigation.
    The reason for using the inquiry-based learning approach in HASS curriculum is due to its characteristics which allows the student to build the strong concept about the topic. This approach is a constructivist approach which aims is to formed the overall goal in the student to make meaning and relate the understanding of the issue with their daily life. this form of approach makes the learning easy and interesting. This allows the student to become curious about the subject. They themselves conduct research in the topic. This approach makes the theoretical subject loveable and interesting in understanding (Gilbert and Hoepper, 2017).
    Both teacher and students equally participated in the learning process. Teacher’s role is to guide the students at various level which can also called as external facilitation, and formed the parameters for an inquiry by students in the classroom. This approach motivates the students internally to conduct the true inquiry related to the topic. Inquiry-based approach is a broad term which incorporates many learning approaches in themselves like encouraging student to make the projects in which they conducted their personal research about the topic.
    This implemented the project-based learning approach(Gilbert and Hoepper, 2017). Students are given the opportunity to critically analyze the issues and design the solution to the problem. This fulfils the design thinking approach. There is various form of approaches are taken in the study as per the demand of the topic, in some topics, surveys and interviews are conducted while in other topics students are asked to collect the information related to the topic through various secondary resources like newspaper articles and scholarly research article.
    The need of the type of approach also depends upon resources available, and ages and abilities of the students. There are some of the characteristics of the inquiry-based learning which provides the concrete on the students understanding of...

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