Write an AVR program to continuously read the temperature from a sensor at a range of 0-50°C connected to PA1 and this reading will appear as text on an LCD screen (2x16) connected on PORTB. The words...

Write an AVR program to continuously read the temperature from a sensor at a range of 0-50°C connected to PA1 and this<br>reading will appear as text on an LCD screen (2x16) connected on PORTB. The words writing on the LCD should be shown<br>on the first line as

Extracted text: Write an AVR program to continuously read the temperature from a sensor at a range of 0-50°C connected to PA1 and this reading will appear as text on an LCD screen (2x16) connected on PORTB. The words writing on the LCD should be shown on the first line as "TEPERATURE:" , while on the second line ( reading of temperature) "degree C" as given in sample figure below (Fig.1). The microcontroller frequency is 12MHZ and the control panel of the LCD is connected to PORTB TEMPERATURE: 5 Code (Hex) LCD Instruction Code (Hex) LCD Instruction Clear display screen 2 Shift cursor position to 14 Return home Shift cursor position to right 10 left Shift display left Shift display right After displaying a character on the LCD, shift cursor to 18 10 4 After displaying a 6 character on the LCD. shift cursor to left Set cursor position Display off cursor off A Display on, cursor off E Display on, cursor right Set CG RAM address Display off, cursor on Display on, cursor on Initializing to 2 lines & 5x8 80-FF 40-7F 8 38 blinking font

Jun 11, 2022

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