Write an application that extends JPanel and displays a phrase in every font size from 6 through 20. Save the file as JFontSizesPanel.java. a. Write an application that extends JPanel and displays a...

Write an application that extends JPanel and displays a phrase in every font size from

6 through 20. Save the file as JFontSizesPanel.java.

a. Write an application that extends JPanel and displays a phrase in a large font.

Each time the user clicks a JButton, display the same phrase in a different color,

a little further to the right, and in a slightly smaller font. Allow only three clicks.

Save the file as JChangeSizeAndColorPanel.java.

b. Modify the JChangeSizeAndColorPanel application so that it continuously

changes the size, color, and location of a phrase as long as the user continues to

click the button. Save the application as JChangeSizeAndColorPanel2.java.

May 19, 2022

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