Write a summary of the movie, what technology was discussed. Discuss why this technology is important and why businesses need to know about it.Length 3 pagesand Review rubric for details. The movie I...

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Write a summary of the movie, what technology was discussed. Discuss why this technology is important and why businesses need to know about it.

Length 3 pages

and Review rubric for details. The movie I chose was( HACKERS 1995). the summary of the movie should be two pages and the last page should talk about 'why business should care about Hackers and also talk about hackers as a topic and relate it to the Course MIS(management information systems

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Answered 2 days AfterOct 08, 2024

Answer To: Write a summary of the movie, what technology was discussed. Discuss why this technology is...

Dilpreet answered on Oct 11 2024
5 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Overview of Movie    3
Technology    3
Importance to Business    4
Conclusion and Recommendations    5

References    6
Hacker is a movie released in the year 1995, and is a techno thriller directed by Softley. The movie explores the underground world of the young computer geniuses also known as hackers. These hackers tend to explore the complexities of cyberspace while considering their consequences in the real-world. The film revolves around the story of Dade Murphy, who is well known in the movie as “Zero Cool”, who at the tender age of 11 years caused a crash of the stock market. The story sheds light on Dade and his friends, who are also his fellow hackers as they expose a major conspiracy in the corporate world that involves a dangerous computer virus. The plot of the movie has been set in the early stages of the internet age.
Overview of Movie
    The film begins with “Zero Cool”, who has been banned to make use of computers until the age of 18 years after the incidence of his childhood hacking shook the stock market to its core. The movie further continues as Dade turns out to be 18 years old and has moved to New York with his mother and is all set to re-enter the world of hacking now with the name of “Crash Override”. At school, he comes in contact with other hackers as well with whom he tends to develop a competitive friendship. Dade and his friends are all drawn into the web of corporate corruption, when one of their fellow hackers Joey...

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