Write a Research paper on your film. Do NOT summarize the film. Follow these specifics in the document. Include the film in your References.
Thesis statement:Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a cinematic masterpiece that incorporates powerful themes such asthe search for wisdom and knowledge, applying to both the humans and aliens throughout the film. It isalso dominated by lighting, as it’s used as a visual aid to help instill certain emotions in the audience.
DSS 400 Research Paper 1. Write a 12 page (plus References page) research paper. 2. Submit a formal outline. Final copy submitted in Canvas. 3. This is a critical analysis of one of the films from the list. Do NOT include a summary of the film. 4. Introduction includes a specific thesis statement, title in italics of film, director, and release year. 5. Body includes examples from film. 6. Include quotes from the film as evidence. 7. Conclusion includes restated thesis, summary, ending, impact, and reflection. 8. You must include at least 10-12 researched sources. You must then incorporate this material into the paper and cite the sources correctly in the paper. 9. The sources should then be listed correctly using the APA or MLA format as a References/Works Cited page. 10. Two of the sources must be from the college library database. 11. No first person “I” point of view. 12. Decide on a specific thesis (approved by Professor) and persuade the reader. You MUST also write about two techniques of the film. 13. Think about: a. How are the aliens represented? How do the humans react? b. Key terms and ideas in class. c. What is the film’s message? Any underlying theme? d. How does it affect society? How to Develop and Write a Research Paper How to Develop and Write a Research Paper * Research Paper Assignment Identify what the assignment requires: topic possibilities number of sources type of sources (journal, book, Internet) citation requirements (MLA, APA, Chicago) presentation requirements (oral or written) length of paper due date * Research Paper Assignment This assignment requires: topic debatable issue number of sources – minimum of ten type of sources – college databases, book, other citation requirements – MLA/APA format presentation requirements - written length of paper – 2000-2500 words due date – * Starting Your Research Decide what kind of information that you need based on your research assignment. The information will be determined by your topic and assignment requirements: Current or historical or both Biographical or background information Criticism and analysis Data and statistics And More * Annotated Bibliography All sources must be on the annotated bibliography Must include correct citation Must include paragraph with summary and usefulness of each source A separate document from the References/Works Cited page Finding Information in Books Find Books – Check the library on-line catalog. Locate if the book is in the Library. Ask a research librarian for help. * Decide on the Usefulness of a Book How to Evaluate a Book for the Assignment: Scan table of contents Search for key terms in book index Read title as clue to content Investigate e-books in the database * Finding Information in Journals * Find Journal Articles in college electronic databases. Decide on the best databases to search on your topic: InfoTrac, Expanded Academic, Gale – * Decide on the Usefulness of Journal Articles Evaluate usefulness of journal articles for assignment: Read title and subtitle as clue to content. Read/scan article for pertinent information Check key terms at end of article for related links to further explore topic. * Finding Information Using Internet Resources Internet resources should be from credible websites: ending in .edu, .org, .gov Sites like Wikipedia or Ask _______ are not appropriate for academic research and are not to be used. * Decide on the Usefulness of Internet Site Information Evaluate Internet site: Find source of the site and information Who is responsible for the website? Who provided the information? a person who is known in the field of study. an organization that is reputable, i.e. American Cancer Society. Note currency of site – when was it last updated? Assess relevance of information to the assignment. * Ask a Librarian for Support A research librarian can assist you with the process of finding information sources for your assignment. Stop by the library. * How to Avoid Plagiarism Review your documentation section from the text for citing sources of information. How to quote, paraphrase, summarize. How to cite an in-text citation. How to cite sources for the References/Works Cited page. * Taking Notes Organizing Your Research by taking notes Read source actively by highlighting important information. Record quotes that may want to use later and include source and page number in note. Create paraphrases and summaries in notes directly from your research. Record the author’s name and page number for later reference. Compile all needed information for the works cited page. Start the References/Works Cited page first. * Drafting Follow your outline. Begin to incorporate research material into each paragraph. Cite your source for each quote, paraphrase, and summary. Check with your instructor about which documentation and format style (APA, MLA) to use. Be sure to include your opinion and comments on the research (but not in first person, I). Write your conclusion based on your answer to your research question (your thesis). * Preparing the Final Version of Your Research Paper Revise draft based on comments from your instructor, peer review, and/or tutor. Check content sources for accuracy and APA or MLA Style or another style format. Revise your work carefully. Verify in-text citations and References/Works Cited page. Check title page, if needed. *