Write a report of about 2,000 words, on implementing a health and safety program for a workplace. Research the requirements of your state or territory’s health and safety legislation. You can address...

Write a report of about 2,000 words, on implementing a health and safety program for a workplace. Research the requirements of your state or territory’s health and safety legislation. You can address the requirements of an organisation for which you work, or, if you are not working you can use generic terms to describe the program that might be implemented.

This project will assess the required knowledge for this study unit. You must demonstrate understanding of:

  • relevant legislation

  • employer responsibilities

  • employee responsibilities

In the paper, describe the workplace: industry area, products and services, main work practices.

Clearly explain the health and safety legislation relevant to that workplace or industry area.

How would you develop the program, with who would you consult and how would you implement the program?

What are the most important aspects of the program and how would you allocate responsibilities?

How would you provide appropriate health and safety information to the employer, employees and any other, relevant stakeholders?

  1. How will hazards be identified and risks assessed?

  2. What procedures would you put in place to develop, implement and monitor controls? Who else would be involved?

  3. What training do you think should be provided and to whom? Who should deliver training?

  4. What records and reports should be kept and how might any collected data be used?

You are working in a medium-sized hotel business. The business comprises a restaurant, cafeteria, a piano bar, lounge bar and front bar. There is also a small motel complex out the back with 20 rooms.

Relative to that hotel, answer all the following questions:

  1. How do you think this business could be divided into cost centres? Why might the organisation choose to make these divisions?

  2. How will budgets contribute to operational efficiency and what types of budget might be appropriate for such an organisation? Why?

  3. For each of the areas in the hotel, what direct and indirect costs would be applied and why must they be considered when drawing up budgets and developing financial reports?

  4. What financial reports might be of benefit to this establishment? Why?

  5. What types of waste might it be necessary to carefully monitor and control and why would this be necessary?

  6. Who should be responsible for collecting, inputting and recording the data that contributes to budgets and who should be responsible for monitoring budgets—to determine how well performance is meeting expectations? Why?

  7. What types of budget deviation might occur and what should be done if deviations are identified?

Answers should be well supported with evidence and appropriate examples. (1,500–2,000 words)

Provide a 750–1,000 word report explaining how you will approach this task, including reference to:

  1. The award or enterprise agreement that will be used and its relevant provisions for casual and full-time staff (leave, breaks, minimum/ maximum hours, pay rates etc).

  2. Other considerations you need to take into account (social and cultural).

  3. How you will meet wage budgets while maximising operational and customer service efficiency.

  4. Areas where you would like multi-skilled staff.

  5. How you intend to consult with colleagues for input into their rosters.

  6. The roster system and equipment you will use to administer the rosters.

  7. How you will present and communicate the rosters.

  8. The time frame for releasing rosters.

Nov 28, 2019SITXWHS003Training.Gov.Au

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