BIS201 Knowledge Management and Information Governance Assessment 1 – Reflective Essay Overview Knowledge Management is a growing in industry especially with the large volume of data that is being...

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BIS201 Knowledge Management and Information Governance Assessment 1 – Reflective Essay Overview Knowledge Management is a growing in industry especially with the large volume of data that is being generated through everyday business operations and transactions. Knowledge creation, sharing and storage are fundamental for any business in this digital age in order for them to thrive and survive given the complex socioeconomic environments that businesses find themselves in coupled with the rapid rate of changes in the technology industry. Currently, businesses are making huge IT investment into KM technologies to ensure that data can be extracted transformed and loaded (ETL) correctly to generate information and insights that can be used to aid effective decision making within those organisations. In week 1 to week 6 we covered concepts and theories related to knowledge management, learning organisation, and organisational learning. These concepts have significant practical applications and implications for businesses. We also covered the significance of leadership and the role of leaders in fostering a conducive work environment that would cultivate a shared vision and mission within these organisations. In this assessment, you are required to write a reflective essay of your understanding of these topics with emphasis on any new learning and how it can be practically applied in your desired area of work. Timelines and Expectations The aim of this assessment is to increase student’s ability to critically evaluate and reflect on topics that was covered in the earlier weeks. Moreover, this assessment has two-parts which are explained below. Total Percentage Value of Task: 30% Reflective Essay Percentage Reflective Essay Due (Week 6 Sunday – August 28, 2022 at 11:59pm Sydney time ) Expected word count 1,000 words Students are expected to submit their assessments via Turnitin on Moodle. Minimum time expectation: 20 hrs Learning Outcomes Assessed The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment task: • LO1: Distinguish types of information from knowledge and exemplify the knowledge lifecycle. (CL4) • LO2: Apply knowledge management and information governance frameworks to analyse information assets. (CL2) Assessment Details For this assignment, you will need to write a reflective essay of at least 1,000 words covering topics that was covered in the previous weeks (i.e., week 1 to week 5). Students are expected to undergo their own research of academic literature to support their write up. This is a reflective essay and therefore it must be written using an essay format and not a report format. 1. The reflective essay must be well researched and referenced using APA7 reference style. At least 8 references must be used. All used references need to be published after 2012. 2. You are expected to clearly discuss different aspect of the chosen topic and how these aspects contribute to the topics of digital transformation. 3. This unit requires you to use APA system of referencing. See Sydney International’s quick reference guide. It should be used in conjunction with the online tool Academic Writer: 4. A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment criteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their essay is likely to be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessment criteria very carefully. Submission All assessments must be submitted through Turnitin on Moodle. Marking Criteria / Rubric Refer to the attached marking guide. Feedback Feedback will be supplied through Moodle. Authoritative results will be published on Moodle. Academic Misconduct To submit your assessment task, you must indicate that you have read and understood, and comply with, the Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism policies and procedures. You must also agree that your work has not been outsourced and is entirely your own except where work quoted is duly acknowledged. Additionally, you must agree that your work has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program. Reflective Essay Marking Guide – Marks 100 Weighting: 30 % Student IDs: Assessment Criteria: Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0) Presentation Information is well Information is Information is somewhat Information is somewhat /Layout organized, well written, organized, well written, organized, proper organized, but proper and proper grammar with proper grammar grammar and grammar and and punctuation are and punctuation. punctuation mostly punctuation not always used throughout. Correct layout used. used. Correct layout used. Some elements of /05 marks Correct layout used. used. layout incorrect. Structure Structure guidelines Structure guidelines Structure guidelines Some elements of /10 marks Enhanced followed exactly mostly followed. structure omitted Introduction Introduces the topic of Introduces the topic of Satisfactorily introduces Introduces the topic of the essay in an the essay in an the topic of the essay. the essay, but omits a extremely engaging engaging manner which Gives a general general background of manner which arouses arouses the reader's background. the topic and/or the the reader's interest. interest. Indicates the overall overall "plan" of the Gives a detailed general Gives some general "plan" of the paper. paper. background and background and indicates the overall indicates the overall /10 marks "plan" of the paper. "plan" of the paper. Critical Discussion of All topics are discussed in Consistently detailed A topic has been Inadequate discussion Topics Depth coherently. discussion. Displays adequately discussed. of issues Little/no Significant evidence of sound understanding Displays some demonstrated Critical analysis and with some analysis of understanding and understanding or Reflection. Topics. analysis of issues. analysis of most issues and/or some irrelevant /50 marks information. Summary & Conclusion An interesting, well A good summary of the Satisfactory summary of Poor/no summary of the written summary of the main points. the main points. main points. main points. A good final comment A final comment on the A poor final comment on An excellent final on the subject, based subject, but introduced the subject and/or new comment on the on the information new material. material introduced. subject, based on the provided. /15 marks information provided. Referencing Correct referencing Mostly correct Mostly correct Not all material correctly (APA7 Style). All quoted referencing (APA7 Style). referencing (APA7 Style) acknowledged. material in quotes and quoted material in Some problems with Some problems with the acknowledged. All Quotes & acknowledged. quoted material and reference list. /10 marks paraphrased material All paraphrased material paraphrased material acknowledged. acknowledged. Some problems with the Correctly set out Mostly correct setting reference list. reference list. out reference list. SubTotal-/100 marks Total out of 30 BIS201 Knowledge Management and Information Governance Overview Knowledge Management is a growing in industry especially with the large volume of data that is being generated through everyday business operations and transactions. Knowledge creation, sharing and storage are fundamental for any business in this digi... Timelines and Expectations The aim of this assessment is to increase student’s ability to critically evaluate and reflect on topics that was covered in the earlier weeks. Moreover, this assessment has two-parts which are explained below. Learning Outcomes Assessed Assessment Details Submission Marking Criteria / Rubric Feedback Academic Misconduct Weighting: 30 % Assessment Criteria:
Answered 1 days AfterSep 07, 2022

Answer To: BIS201 Knowledge Management and Information Governance Assessment 1 – Reflective Essay Overview...

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