Write a recursive definition for the following method: /** Precondition: n >= 1. Displays the symbol '#' n times on one line and then advances to the next line. */ public static void displaySharps(int...

Write a recursive definition for the following method:


Precondition: n >= 1.

Displays the symbol '#' n times on one line

and then advances to the next line.


public static void displaySharps(int n)

For example, the call displaySharps(3) is equivalent to


If you have trouble writing this method, simplify it so that the output

does not advance to the next line. For that simpler case, you need not

worry about the distinction between print and println. In the simpler

case, you use only print. After doing the simpler case, try to do the

exercise as stated.

May 19, 2022

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