Write a program to validate Canadian Postal Codes. A postal code must follow the pattern of L9L9L9 where: L is a letter 9 is a digit Your program should continue accepting postal codes until the user...

Write a program to validate Canadian Postal Codes. A postal code must follow the pattern of L9L9L9 where:

  • L is a letter

  • 9 is a digit

Your program should continue accepting postal codes until the user enters the word “exit”.

Sample run (user input is shown in bold underline):

Enter a postal code: T2T-3X7

Postal code wrong length, format L9L9L9

Enter a postal code: T2T3AA

Postal code has letters where there are supposed to be digits

Enter a postal code: T2T358

Postal code has digits where there are supposed to be letters

Enter a postal code: T2T3A8

Postal code is valid!

Enter a postal code: exit

please answer in java

May 19, 2022

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