Write a program to swap the values of 2 arrays using pointers. Create a function (void inputArray) to input the elements of the arrays. For your function, Receive parameter of pointer to an array from...

Using C language, complete this pointer exercise based on the sample output given

Write a program to swap the values of 2 arrays using pointers. Create a function (void<br>inputArray) to input the elements of the arrays.<br>For your function,<br>Receive parameter of pointer to an array from main<br>fill the array by using the pointer parameter<br>Sample<br>void inputArray(int *arr)<br>for (.?..)<br>scanf(

Extracted text: Write a program to swap the values of 2 arrays using pointers. Create a function (void inputArray) to input the elements of the arrays. For your function, Receive parameter of pointer to an array from main fill the array by using the pointer parameter Sample void inputArray(int *arr) for (.?..) scanf("%d", arr.); } Modify the sample above, especially the bolded parts, [refer part 5 Array and Pointers] In your main, create array and pass it to inputArray() to fill up the elements Printout the array to check whether elements have been input from function Use a for loop, temp variable and pointers to swap the elements of the arrays. Pseudocode int main () int size = 10; int i, temp; int arr1[size]; int arr2[size); input array for arri and arr2 using inputArray) print arrays for (loop) temp = "(arri_current_space); *(arri_current_space) = *(arr2_current_space); *(arr2_current_space) = temp; print arrays Modify the pseudocode above, especially all the bolded parts. The swapping part you need to use pointer to go to current spaces in arr1 and arr2 because your initial pointer is at start of array. [refer part 5 Array and Pointers]
Sample output<br>Before Swap:<br>Аггay: 1<br>5<br>5<br>6<br>54<br>Аrray: 2<br>5<br>8<br>65<br>68<br>2<br>After Swap:<br>Аггаy: 2<br>5<br>4<br>65<br>68<br>6<br>4<br>2<br>Аrгay: 1<br>5<br>4<br>8<br>5<br>54<br>

Extracted text: Sample output Before Swap: Аггay: 1 5 5 6 54 Аrray: 2 5 8 65 68 2 After Swap: Аггаy: 2 5 4 65 68 6 4 2 Аrгay: 1 5 4 8 5 54

Jun 11, 2022

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