Write a program to execute the instruction ldaa #$50 1000 times. This is how we can make a delay. If the execution time of the instruction ldaa #$50 is 1ms, then executing the instruction for 1000...

Write a program to execute the instruction ldaa #$50 1000 times. This is how<br>we can make a delay. If the execution time of the instruction ldaa #$50 is 1ms, then<br>executing the instruction for 1000 times will make a delay for 1 sec. Example: turn a LED<br>on, then execute the delay to wait 1 sec to keep the LED on for 1 sec, then turn it off.<br>

Extracted text: Write a program to execute the instruction ldaa #$50 1000 times. This is how we can make a delay. If the execution time of the instruction ldaa #$50 is 1ms, then executing the instruction for 1000 times will make a delay for 1 sec. Example: turn a LED on, then execute the delay to wait 1 sec to keep the LED on for 1 sec, then turn it off.

Jun 10, 2022

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