Write a program that simulates a playlist of songs. This will be implemented by a singly-linked list. The user will manage the playlist from a menu of options shown below.
The user should then select an option from the menu. The program should verify that a correct menu option has been selected. Once this has been done, the program should process the selection. The operation of the menu is similar to what was done for Project 01 Shopping Cart.
Significant starter code has been provided for this project. Make sure you review this before starting to code.
The following C++ files will be part of this project. Some are complete and some need modification. Please make sure you review all starter code before beginning this project. We will do an overview of these specs during our scheduled class time.
• PlaylistDriver.cpp
o File that contains the main() function
o The only function that needs to be completed is processMenuChoice. o Do not modify any other function or includes in this file.
• SongNode.h
o This file is COMPLETE – make no modifications to this file.
o This file is the declaration and definition of the SongNode class.
o This class creates and accesses SongNode objects.
o The Playlist, which is the linked list, will create the linked list of SongNode objects.
• Playlist.h
o This file is COMPLETE – make no modifications to this file. o Class declaration of the Playlist, which is the linked-list.
o Read comments included in this file to for an overview.
• Playlist.cpp
o Starter code has been provided for this.
o This is primarily the implementation of the Playlist class
o Some of the member functions have been completed – make sure you review all comments in this file in
detail to determine what you are responsible for.
Submission Requirements:
UML Diagram for SongNode and Playlist named P02UMLLastName
Sample runs of your program named P02SampleRunsLastName
Zipped C++project file named P02255LastName.zip
Put all of this into one .zip file named P02LastName.zip