Write a program that gets a long number as input, exchanges the first and last digits of the number using a function, and displays the changed number in the main program. Ask the user for input...

I need help in coding the following practice problem using the fundamentals of C Programming Language without using arrays.

Write a program that gets a long number as input, exchanges the first and last digits of<br>the number using a function, and displays the changed number in the main program.<br>Ask the user for input numbers until a negative number is entered.<br>Example:<br>Enter decimal number: 193435<br>Output of the number: 593431<br>

Extracted text: Write a program that gets a long number as input, exchanges the first and last digits of the number using a function, and displays the changed number in the main program. Ask the user for input numbers until a negative number is entered. Example: Enter decimal number: 193435 Output of the number: 593431

Jun 11, 2022

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