Write a program that asks a user to input strings until the user enters quit .If string is a palindrome the user gets 1 point else user gets 0 points. Output the total number of points. You need to...

Write a program that asks a user to input strings until the user entersquit.If string is a palindrome the user gets 1 point else user gets 0 points. Output the total number of points. You need to use the function provided named '''mystringreverse''' that accepts a string and returns a reversed string in the template provided

If the user the following numbers:

hello olo tin ini quit

Then the points gained is 0+1+0+1 = 2 points sincehello is not a palindrome so 0pt,olo is palindrome so 1 pt,tin is not palindrome so 0pt,ini is palindrome so 1 pt and program quits since user enterquit


We make the following assumptions

  • all strings entered by user are lowercase

Note: A palindrome is a strings that reads the same in both forward and backward directions (eg:'abba')

35.1 Lecture 19-Apr-Q1<br>Write a program that asks a user to input strings until the user enters quit.lf string is a palindrome the user gets 1 point else user gets o<br>points. Output the total number of points. You need to use the function provided named

Extracted text: 35.1 Lecture 19-Apr-Q1 Write a program that asks a user to input strings until the user enters quit.lf string is a palindrome the user gets 1 point else user gets o points. Output the total number of points. You need to use the function provided named "mystringreverse" that accepts a string and returns a reversed string in the template provided If the user the following numbers: hello olo tin ini quit Then the points gained is 0+1+0+1 = 2 points since hello is not a palindrome so Opt, olo is palindrome so 1 pt, tin is not palindrome so Opt, ini is palindrome so 1 pt and program quits since user enter quit 2 We make the following assumptions • all strings entered by user are lowercase Note: A palindrome is a strings that reads the same in both forward and backward directions (eg:'abba') 376584.2127280.qx3zay7 LAB 35.1.1: Lecture 19-Apr-Q1 0/ 10 ACTIVITY main.py Load default template. 2 Return a reverse string 3 @param orig_s String to be reversed 4 @return reversed string 6 def my_string_reverse(orig_s): return orig_s[ ::-1] 7 8 9 if #use the my_string_reverse method to solve this problem #the function called as shown in the testcase below, this line below is for illustration only. print(my_string_reverse("hello")=="olleh")| name == " main ": 10 11 12
Jun 08, 2022

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