Write a program that allows users to enter a dollar amount for their bank account balance at the beginning of the month. Then ask the user to enter dollar amounts for any number of checks written in a...

Write a program that allows users to enter a dollar amount for their bank account balance at the beginning of the month. Then ask the user to enter dollar amounts for any

number of checks written in a month, up to 50. Include an appropriate sentinel value

that the user can enter to stop entering checks. Store the amounts in an array and count

the entries as the user makes them. Finally, ask the user to enter a monthly interest rate

if the account is interest bearing, or a 0 if it is not. If the user enters 0 for the interest rate,

then call a function named balanceAccount()that accepts the beginning balance, the

number of checks, and the array of check amounts as parameters; the function displays

the final balance after all the checks have been subtracted from the beginning balance.

If the user enters a number other than 0 for the interest rate, then call an overloaded

function named balanceAccount()that accepts the beginning balance, the number

of checks, the array of check amounts, and the interest rate as parameters. This function

then computes the final balance by subtracting all the checks from the beginning balance

and using the monthly interest rate to increase the final balance before displaying it. Save

the file as BankCalculations.cpp.

May 19, 2022

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