Write a program in Matlab to solve the following equations using arrays 2a - 4b +5c – 3.5d +1.8 e + 4 ƒ = 52.52 -1.5 a+3b +4c -d -2e +5f = -21.1 5a+b -6c+3d – 2e +2 ƒ = – 27.6 1.2 a – 2b+3c + 4d - e...

Write a program in Matlab to solve the following equations using arrays<br>2a - 4b +5c – 3.5d +1.8 e + 4 ƒ = 52.52<br>-1.5 a+3b +4c -d -2e +5f = -21.1<br>5a+b -6c+3d – 2e +2 ƒ = – 27.6<br>1.2 a – 2b+3c + 4d - e +4 f =9.16<br>4a+b - 2c – 3d – 4e + 1.5 f = - 17.9<br>3a+b - c+4d – 2e – 4 f = –16.2<br>

Extracted text: Write a program in Matlab to solve the following equations using arrays 2a - 4b +5c – 3.5d +1.8 e + 4 ƒ = 52.52 -1.5 a+3b +4c -d -2e +5f = -21.1 5a+b -6c+3d – 2e +2 ƒ = – 27.6 1.2 a – 2b+3c + 4d - e +4 f =9.16 4a+b - 2c – 3d – 4e + 1.5 f = - 17.9 3a+b - c+4d – 2e – 4 f = –16.2

Jun 08, 2022

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