Write a program in Java to take an infix mathematical expression. The expressionwill contain single- or double-digit numbers, ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, and ‘/’ operators, andparenthesis. First check the...

Write a program in Java to take an infix mathematical expression. The expression will contain single- or double-digit numbers, ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, and ‘/’ operators, and parenthesis. First check the validity of the expression with respect to the position of opening and closing parenthesis. If the expression is not valid then display appropriate message, otherwise, convert that infix expression to corresponding postfix expression, evaluate that postfix expression and print the final result. You can use relevant Java built-in classes in your code. The sample inputs/ outputs are given below: Sample inputs and outputs: (User’s inputs are shown in bold) Sample 1 Enter the mathematical expression: 15*(8–3*2)+16/4) The expression is invalid Sample 2 Enter the mathematical expression: 15*(8–3*2)+16/4 The postfix expression: 15 8 3 2 * - * 16 4 / + The final result: 34

Jun 09, 2022

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