write a program in C++,"Calendar" using this assets 3 #define BLACK O4 #define BLUE 15 #define GREEN 26 #define CYAN 37 #define RED 48 #define MAGENTA 59 #define BROWN 610 #define LIGHTGREY...

write a program in C++,"Calendar" using this assets

1 #include <windows.h><br>3 #define BLACK O<br>4 #define BLUE 1<br>5 #define GREEN 2<br>6 #define CYAN 3<br>7 #define RED 4<br>8 #define MAGENTA 5<br>9 #define BROWN 6<br>10 #define LIGHTGREY 7<br>11 #define DARKGREY 8<br>12 #define LIGHTBLUE 9<br>13 #define LIGHTGREEN 10<br>14 #define LIGHTCYAN 11<br>15 #define LIGHTRED 12<br>16 #define LIGHTMAGENTA 13<br>17 #define YELLOW 14<br>18 #define WHITE 15<br>19 #define BLINK 128<br>20<br>21 HANDLE screen = GetstdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);<br>22<br>23 void TextColor(int fontcolor, int backgroundcolor)<br>24 {<br>int color_attribute;<br>color_attribute = backgroundcolor;<br>color_attribute = _rot1(color_attribute,4)| fontcolor;<br>SetConsoleTextAttribute(screen,color_attribute);<br>29 }<br>25<br>26<br>27<br>%3D<br>28<br>

Extracted text: 1 #include 3 #define BLACK O 4 #define BLUE 1 5 #define GREEN 2 6 #define CYAN 3 7 #define RED 4 8 #define MAGENTA 5 9 #define BROWN 6 10 #define LIGHTGREY 7 11 #define DARKGREY 8 12 #define LIGHTBLUE 9 13 #define LIGHTGREEN 10 14 #define LIGHTCYAN 11 15 #define LIGHTRED 12 16 #define LIGHTMAGENTA 13 17 #define YELLOW 14 18 #define WHITE 15 19 #define BLINK 128 20 21 HANDLE screen = GetstdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); 22 23 void TextColor(int fontcolor, int backgroundcolor) 24 { int color_attribute; color_attribute = backgroundcolor; color_attribute = _rot1(color_attribute,4)| fontcolor; SetConsoleTextAttribute(screen,color_attribute); 29 } 25 26 27 %3D 28

Jun 10, 2022

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