Write a program for the following scenario. Get the user to enter marks for 5 different assignments for a single student. Add up the marks (Total marks for the assignments is 100 respectively)....

Write a program for the following scenario.

Get the user to enter marks for 5 different assignments for a single student. Add up the marks (Total marks for the assignments is 100 respectively). Convert the marks to 50%. If the total is less than 25, display the message “Status : Repeat Module”. If the marks is more than or equal to 25, than ask the user to enter the exam marks (The total of the exam marks is 100).Convert the total marks entered to 50%. If the exam marks is less than 25, display the status of the student as “Status : Resit Final Exam ”, if the student scored more or equal to 25, then add the exam marks to the coursework marks.

If the student scored above and equal to 70, he is graded as “Pass with grade A”. If the student scored between 69 and 60, he is graded as “Pass with grade B”. If the student scored between 59 to 50, he is graded as “ Pass with grade C “ .

Your program should allow the user to continue to enter a new sets of marks for another student.

May 19, 2022

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