Write a program asking a user to enter a phone number in the following format: (999)999-9999. In other words: an area code in parentheses, a three-digit number, a dash, and a four-digit number. »...

Write a program asking a user to enter a phone number in the following format:

(999)999-9999. In other words: an area code in parentheses, a three-digit number, a

dash, and a four-digit number.

» Display a message if the phone number is entered incorrectly.

» Display the phone number as a series of 10 digits, with all other punctuation removed.

» Assume area code 920 is being changed to 899. If the entered number is in area code

920, redisplay it with the new area code.

Save the file as PhoneNumber.cpp.

May 19, 2022

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