write a Phyton program for a Doggy Daycare facility that needs a program to print a customer's bill. The program accepts input data for an ID number of the dog's owner, dog name, dog breed, dog age...

write a Phyton program for a Doggy Daycare facility that needs a program to print a customer's bill. The program accepts input data for an ID number of the dog's owner, dog name, dog breed, dog age and dog weight. Display a bill containing all the input data items as well as the weekly day care fee, which is $55.00/wk for dogs under 15 pounds, $75.00 for dogs from 15 pounds to 30 pounds inclusive, $105.00 for dogs from 31 pounds to 80 pounds inclusive, and $125.00 for dogs over 80lbs.

Jun 10, 2022

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