Write a paper that discusses three of the one hundred ways the United States has supposedly screwed up the world. Do you agree with Tirman that the United States screwed up the world on these points?...

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Write a paper that discusses three of the one hundred ways the United States has supposedly screwed up the world. Do you agree with Tirman that the United States screwed up the world on these points? Why or why not? What is the historical context for the author’s and your own beliefs? You must use specific examples from100 Ways America is Screwing Up the Worldand from class lectures and the assigned documents. If you do not use ample evidence from all of these sources, you will automatically fail the assignment. You are also highly encouraged to conduct outside research for this assignment. Be sure to cite all sources consulted.
Answered 2 days AfterMar 01, 2021

Answer To: Write a paper that discusses three of the one hundred ways the United States has supposedly screwed...

Kshama answered on Mar 04 2021
142 Votes
Last Name 6
Title: 100 Ways America Screwing Up The World
· By John Tirman
Introduction    3
Chapter 1: Altering The
Earth    3
Chapter 45: Consumerism    4
Chapter 90: Paris Hilton & Celebrity Culture    4
Conclusion    5
Works Cited    6
The book “100 ways America is Screwing up the World” is written by John Tirman published in 2006. The book talks about the impacts that the United States of America (USA) has brought around the globe. Tirman has covered several topics from politics, religion, health issues to wars etc. and viewed their impacts on the global platform.
The book title says one hundred but covers 90 negative impacts and 10 positive effects that the country in his opinion has brought. Among those, we are discussing here three topics viz. “Altering the Earth”, “Consumerism” and “Paris Hilton & Celebrity Culture” and the related factors that have affected a large population of other countries.
Chapter 1: Altering The Earth
John Tirman in his book has blamed America for the pollution and other related factors for the increasing greenhouse gases and harming the planet. Saving the earth is a responsibility shared collectively by all the nations, why mention America alone? Tirman has justified this by reporting that the largest polluter on the earth is America with the second polluter not even close to it.
The four percent of the country’s population makes the twenty five percent of the world’s pollution. This is huge. He further mentions about the Kyoto Protocol, which was signed by 157 countries including all the major countries except...

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