Write a paper in the format give in attached filed. Inclde some diagrams as well.

Write a paper in the format give in attached filed. Inclde some diagrams as well.

1 | P a g e PM Competency Model Paper Guidelines and Rubric Table of Contents Table of Contents (10 points) ..................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction (10 points) .............................................................................................................................. 2 3 PM Oriented Internet Found Competency Models (15 points) ............................................................... 2 Internet PM Competency Model Comparison (15 points) .......................................................................... 2 Your 4th Provided PM Competency Model (25 points) .............................................................................. 2 Summary (5 points)..................................................................................................................................... 3 Upload into Brightspace One Microsoft Word Document (10 points) ....................................................... 3 Make Sure You Have Page Numbers (5 points) ......................................................................................... 4 Make Sure You Have a Bibliography (5 points) ........................................................................................ 4 Paper Text Spacing ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Page Limit ................................................................................................................................................... 4 2 | P a g e Please review this rubric before submitting your paper. Doing so will help improve your chances of receiving the maximum points available. The header levels below depict the order of your document’s paragraphs. Table of Contents (10 points) ❑ You must have a Table of Contents in your Word document. Introduction (10 points) ❑ Discusses the importance of a PM competency model. What’s its value? ❑ Identify the three researched internet models. ❑ Identifies whether the 4th model is your company’s or is one you generated on your own. 3 PM Oriented Internet Found Competency Models (15 points) ❑ Research and document 3 PM oriented internet-based competency models. These can be found on the internet. ❑ Each model found should be placed in an appendix to your document as Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C. ❑ The 3 internet models should be briefly summarized in the body of your Word document. ❑ If you prefer, you may use any of the internet models found by previous students in the example papers provided. Internet PM Competency Model Comparison (15 points) ❑ Compare and contrast the 3 internet competency models selected. What are their similarities and/or differences? Your 4th Provided PM Competency Model (25 points) ❑ From the above 3 researched internet models, create your own (4th) perspective of what behaviors, and skills per behavior, are most important, or, ❑ Alternatively, you can use your current company competency model as this 4th model; your choice. ❑ Your 4th model should be in the body of the Word document; not an appendix. If you use your company’s model, then you do not need to do anything to it, simply add it to your paper body as your 4th model. ❑ (10 points) You should have 3 to 5 behaviors, and, 3 to 5 skills per behavior in your 4th model; unless you use your company’s model in which case you simply document whatever your company provides. ❑ (5 points) If you are creating your own 4th model, each behavior and its skills should be in a matrix chart on the vertical axis, with the levels of PM (see below) on the horizontal axis along the top. The matrix should be embedded into the body of the document. For each skill, there should be some measure of expectancy for each PM level within the matrix; see example papers for how this looks. 3 | P a g e ❑ (10 points) If creating your own 4th model, you should define three (3) levels of PM; example, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3. Or, for example, Junior PM, PM, and Senior PM. For each level of PM define: Experience required. Education required or desired. Size of programs responsible for; value ($$), complexity, etc. Type of program responsible for; component, subsystem, system, platform, etc. Summary (5 points) ❑ What have you done? The paper introduction states what you are about to do, the body tells the reader what you are doing, and now the summary tells the reader what you have done. This paragraph may play off of the compare and contrast of the 3 internet found PM competency models from the comparison section above. ❑ What, if anything, have you learned through the process? Upload into Brightspace One Microsoft Word Document (10 points) ❑ You will deliver one (1) item; a Word (.doc, .docx) document - if you wish to upload an excel file from which you cut and pasted into your master Word document you may do that as well, but, I will only be looking at and grading the Word file. A complete Microsoft Word document which documents your 3 researched models found (placing one researched model per appendix for three total appendices), and your chosen (4th model) specific model behaviors and skills; where your 4th model behaviors and skills are mapped to your three levels of PM in a matrix chart. Again, in an effort to keep the body of the Word document to a minimum, please place the 3 internet researched models in separate appendices (Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C) at the end of your Word document. To be specific: ➢ One Word document with 3 total appendices; the 3 internet models researched. ➢ Your 4th model should be in the body of the Word document, not an appendix. Potentially - an additional Microsoft excel document if you used one to cut and paste into your word document from. The information in this Excel file needs to be cut and pasted into your word document; therefore, forming a complete all-encompassing Word paper. I do not necessarily need the Excel file, but I must have a complete Word file. ❑ Please only upload the actual file. Do not upload any links to a file; for example, like those below. A link to Google Drive. A link to OneDrive. A link to a SharePoint site. Any other link. ❑ Your name should be on the paper title page (1st page of your paper). 4 | P a g e ❑ Name both files (Word required, Excel if you wish) as: Lname, Fname, Paper (ex: Doe, Jane, Paper). The .docx (.doc) and .xlsx (.xls) postfixes will differentiate the files therefore allowing the same name on each file. Make Sure You Have Page Numbers (5 points) ❑ Make sure to include page numbers in your Word document. Make Sure You Have a Bibliography (5 points) ❑ You must have a bibliography (references) in your Word document. Paper Text Spacing ❑ Microsoft Word default space the paper. When you open Word, the default spacing is 0 pt. before and 8 pt. after. This is fine for this paper. No need to change it. Page Limit ❑ There is no page limit.
Jun 17, 2024

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