Write a lead and then a news story based on the following information. When you are finished with the print version, write an online version of the same story for your university's student...

Write a lead and then a news story based on the following information. When you are finished with the print version, write an online version of the same story for your university's student newspaper Web site. The Board of Trustees last night, in a meeting at [your] college or university, did these things:    • voted to increase tuition by 3 percent, effective at the beginning of the next academic year       • approved a contract to build a new 20,000-seat sports arena at a cost of $63 million, to be            funded from state and federal monies and alumni contributions                                                                                 • rejected a $1.25 million request by the Fine Arts Department and Design Department for new photo-video cameras and computer-processing units that the departments will share

The meeting was acrimonious. More than 400 people showed up, and the city fire marshal ordered the meeting site moved to Memorial Hall Auditorium on campus. Then an additional 200 people came in after the meeting began. Student government representatives were extremely critical of the tuition-increase proposal. More than 35 people spoke during the 31 /2 hours of debate about the tuition issue. Equally controversial was the sports arena proposal. Students, faculty, and community representatives seemed equally divided on the issue, with 10 speaking for and 11 against. The decision to reject the fine arts and design equipment requests was met by hoots and catcalls. The meeting, which had begun at 8 p.m., adjourned at 3 a.m. this morning. Members of the board had no comment as they left the building, to the jeers of about 50 students who stayed until the meeting's end.

May 19, 2022

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