Write a Java program to implement a text based Role Playing Game This program uses of inheritance & polymorphism. Giving an abstract class Actor with code. Create 2 classes - Player and Monster - that...

Write a Java program to implement a text based Role Playing Game
This program uses of inheritance & polymorphism. Giving an abstract class Actor with code. Create 2 classes - Player and Monster - that inherit from Actor. The program will implement a class map as a 9x9 of char. The player should begin at the centre of the map and be represented as "P". Randomly placing a Monster -"M" on the map. A blank can be "-". The Player should be able move around the map using "was d". The player cannot move out the map. When "P" move to Monter' s location which contains a "M" initiate a battle loop that generates the attacks for each Player.


public abstract class Actor {

// character statistics

private String name = "";

private int hp = 0;

private char symbol = ' ';

// map coordinates

private int x;

private int y;

Actor(String name, int hp, char symbol, int x, int y)


this.name = name;

this. hp = hp;

this. symbol = symbol;

this.x = x;

this .y = y;


public String get Name() {

return this.name;


public int get HP() {

return this. hp;


public void set HP(int hp) {

this .hp = hp;


public int get X()


return this .x;


public int get Y()


return this .y;


public void set X(int x)


this. x = x;


public void set Y(int y)


this. y = y;


public char get Symbol()


return this .symbol;


abstract int generate Random Attack();



public class Combat {

public Combat()


public void init Combat(Player player, Monster monster)


System. Out .print ln(player);

System. out .print ln(monster);

//while(true) loop that calls attack Sequence() for each actor


public void attack Sequence(Actor attacker, Actor defender)


//calls get Damage(attacker)

//sets defenders hp to new value

//calls combat Results()

//prints defender's new hp

//calls check Defeat(defender)


private void combat Results(Actor actor, int damage)


//print actor name and attack damage


private int get Damage (Actor actor)


//calls actor .generate Random Attack()


private void check Defeat(Actor actor)


//code given on page two of this document




public class Input {

//contains private Scanner member variable

public Input()


//initializes Scanner object


public char read Input()


//reads only the first char from keyboard input

//loop to receive valid input--'while(!valid Input(c))'

//returns valid char input


private Boolean valid Input(char input)


//return Boolean if input is/is n 'tn valid




public class Map {

private final int SIZE;

private final int PLAYER_LOCATION;

private char[][] map;

private final Player player;

private final Monster monster;

private final Combat combat;

public Map()


//initialize SIZE and PLAYER_LOCATION

//call initialize Map()

//call generate Random Location() for monster X and monster Y

//ensure monster is not generate in the same location as player

//cal player, monster, and combat constructors

//initialize 9x9 map of char


private void initialize Map()


//intialize each cell of map to '-'


public void draw Map()


// all initialize Map()

//call assign Actor Location() for player and monster objects

//print map to screen with a space between each element


public void assign Actor Location(Actor actor)


//get actor x and y location

//assign actor .get Symbol() to location on map


private int generate Random n Location()


//return random number within range of map edges


public void move Player(char move)


//get player current location

//use switch statement to determine  player new location or quit

//call valid Coordinates() to determine if player is at map edge

//if player Encounters Monster() call combat. in it Combat()


private Boolean player Encounters Monster()


//return true if player location matches monster location


private Boolean valid Coordinates(int new X, int new Y)


//return true if player location within range of map




public class RPG {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Map map = new Map();

Input input = new Input();

map. draw Map();

//while(true) loop




May 19, 2022

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